I’m Frustrated! Social Security Is No Longer Covering Medicare


This is a note from our Dear Friend Paul E. Dawn Jr. of Georgia:

I am a little frustrated today!

It seems like the Obamacare, etc., brought some changes to Ga. Got a letter from Social Security saying Ga is no longer covering the Medicare. So they will be taken it from my Social Security check, to reduce it by hundred and five dollars. And that will be applied to Medicare.

So my Social Security check will go from $900+ to $800+ a month. They are making it retroactive and will be taken January and February out of my March Social Security and that will leave me with $613 and after I pay my rent, insurance, phone, etc., it will leave me with $105 for the month of March to live on as far as groceries, gas etc.

It is going to be a long month  I do know that my hope and faith is in my heavenly father and he knows my needs and has never failed me yet! Would appreciate your prayers!

Thanks for letting me vent a little! You all have a super weekend!

Paul clears this up for us: Hey Dewey, Social Security always covered Medicare, but you can opt out because most states will cover it, since something in Ga changed, it reverted back to being deducted by the Social Security, so they didn’t stop it, hope that makes sense, Paul

Paul Dawn


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