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Mrs. Clinton, It Does Make A Difference; Let Us Explain


1 – The September 11, 2012 attack could have been prevented;
2 – Al Qaeda WAS directly involved in the detailed planing and execution of the attack;
3 – Secretary of State Clinton or her department, did not do an appropriate risk assessment for Ambassador Stevens and other outpost personnel;
4 – President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton both knew it was a terrorist attack on the evening of September 11, 2012;
5 – A lie was manufactured and perpetuated as they repeatedly blamed an anti-Islamic video as the impetus of the attack.

The Senate Intelligence Committee report on Benghazi, released Wednesday, January 15, 2014, confirms what hundreds of hours of research, inquiry and conversation revealed to me and many other Americans.

Secretary Clinton ignored the warnings and object lessons that were present from the 2012 terrorist attacks on the Red Cross, the assassination attempt on the British Ambassador to Libya and the attacks that occurred at the American Diplomatic Outpost in Benghazi, all occurring before the Consulate attack on September 11, 2012 resulting in the deaths of four brave Americans including our Ambassador, Christopher Stevens. Even more concerning, she directly ignored and refused the Ambassador’s repeated requests for additional security at the diplomatic outpost in Benghazi which included reports of Al Qaeda training camps in Benghazi and Al Qaeda flags flying from numerous buildings there.

Secretary Clinton stood to gain a substantial legacy should the establishment of a diplomatic outpost in Benghazi succeed which would also help support the 2012 campaign narrative. With Stevens in charge, Secretary Clinton’s appointee, a fully operational outpost in Benghazi would show that democracy could succeed in post-Qaddafi Libya. Peace in the Middle East, written by Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; what an achievement to tout in a future presidential campaign in 2016?

Deception, apathy and dereliction of duty are not qualities most wish to place in the office of the Presidency who holds the title ‘Commander-In-Chief’. Ma’am, where were you when that 3 a.m. call came in you so proudly touted about in your presidential campaign? We know you got the call; what did you do?

The findings of the Senate Intelligence Committee also raises questions concerning House Speaker John Boehner. The Obama administration, along with Boehner, still find the claims made by the family members of these four murdered Americans to be false. Reacting to a scathing letter sent on January 6 to House Speaker Boehner, an anonymous aide to senior GOP leadership called their claims “absurd and inaccurate.” Why will the House Speaker not request a full investigation into the Benghazi attack? I have to wonder just exactly what the speaker knows that we don’t; there were conversations!

It does make a difference Mrs. Clinton; and you KNOW what that difference is; it’s called life and death! Life and death while YOU were in an office that could have prevented death and YOU are trying to aspire to an office of even more significance in your ability to affect ‘life and death’.

A ‘Presidential’ title may be political. ‘Commander-In-Chief’ IS NOT!

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