Just The Facts Ma’am


joe friday 2As my old hero Sgt. Joe Friday would say in the Dragnet TV Show, Just the facts Ma’am: Six years ago, 37.4 million Americans lived in poverty. After 5 years of Obama, 47.1 million do. The left calls this “progress.” Thanks to Ken Gardner for the info.

I’m sickened by the folks who are saying this “Bridge Scandal” is worse than Benghazi!. For heavens sake’s alive, where is your head? There is no comparison. Watching this play out in the press just makes me sick! I don’t look at things from a Democratic or Republican stance, I’m a registered Independent. I look at them from a Godly perspective. As Mark Twain said, “The only difference between a Republican and Democrat is the spelling!” The games people are playing from the extreme acts like Benghazi that cost American lives to stupid things like this bridge deal, just show’s how far people are from God.

Either you do things from a heavenly perspective or of this sinful world.

By the way if the law was broken in this bridge deal, the State Police or City Police or County Sheriff should arrest people! That is the bottom line, arrest them! Don’t make it a nightly TV series, take action! Just the facts Ma’am! If I could I would put Joe Friday or Matt Dillon on the case!

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