Gary Bauer; House Immigration Principles, A Moment Of Truth, Obamacare Blunders On, No One Is Listening



Gary Bauer

Friday, January 31, 2014

From: Gary L. Bauer

House Immigration Principles

Hold on to your hats, folks. House Republican leaders released their immigration reform principles at their caucus retreat yesterday, and all signs suggest we are headed for a bumpy ride. Reports indicate that the discussion over the principles revealed deep GOP divisions over policy and timing.

It is clear from reading the principles that House leaders were struggling to balance competing interests. There is a lot of language about border security. That’s good. It speaks of a step-by-step approach to reform and overhaul of the visa system. Fine. Obviously, criminal aliens and gang members would not be allowed to remain in the United States. But, unbelievably, liberals have resisted this in the past.

Now for the more troubling elements. The DREAM Act is a central element of the plan. While rejecting a “special path to citizenship” for other illegal immigrants, millions would be permitted to “live legally and without fear in the U.S.,” but their eventual status is murky.

Democrats are unlikely to accept anything that does not include citizenship. In fact, AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka blasted the principles as a “joke” and a “hoax,” adding, “Without citizenship, it’s a nonstarter.”

Of course the devil is in the details and we don’t have any details at this point, just a statement of principles. But the greatest concern is how anything gets negotiated with the Senate and the White House.

A Moment Of Truth

Immigration reform, budgets and taxes are all important issues. But I believe America’s growing virtue deficit and the breakdown of the family are equally important, if not more so, to the survival of this great nation.

Strong families are the foundation of strong societies and parents are the greatest role models in a child’s life. Even when you think they are not paying attention, they are!

So when the Inspiration Network recently approached American Values with a unique opportunity to promote the family, I gladly accepted. Together we produced an ad about the critical role parents play in developing the character of their children. Watch it here. Your support for our work makes opportunities like this possible. Thank you, my friends.

When so much of the popular culture mocks and undermines traditional values, the Inspiration Network is a great alternative with family-friendly entertainment and classic shows you can enjoy with your kids. Please support them and their advertisers!

Obamacare Blunders On

Here are latest Obamacare blunders making headlines:


  • Obamacare was supposed to help cure the crisis of too many uninsured Americans, right? Well, it seems the uninsured don’t like Obama’s plan. A new poll by the Obamacare-friendly Kaiser Family Foundation finds that uninsured Americans disapprove of Obamacare by a nearly 2-to-1 margin.
  • Obamacare was going to make health insurance more affordable, right? That’s not what is happening to thousands of businesses, including this Pennsylvania small business. Premiums went up 32% and deductibles went up much more. Millions of Americans have experienced similar instances of rate shock thanks to Obamacare.
  • Why are so many Americans paying more for their health insurance now? Because, as the Associated Press reports, Obamacare really was all about the redistribution of wealth.
  • Perhaps they thought they were signing up for free health care, but rate shock might also explain why an estimated 20% of Obamacare “enrollees” are not paying their premiums.
  • Obamacare was supposed to provide more access to healthcare, right? Don’t tell that to a lot of sick children in Seattle. Hopefully their parents will vote Republican this November!

“No One Is Listening”

Former Reagan speechwriter Peggy Noonan wrote a prophetic column last week. Referring to President Obama’s then-upcoming State of the Union address, Noonan wrote:


    “No one’s really listening to the president now. He has been for five years a nonstop windup talk machine. Most of it has been facile, bland, the same rounded words and rounded sentiments, the same soft accusations and excuses.”

Peggy was right. The Nielsen ratings are in, and Obama’s address posted the worst viewership in 14 years.

* * * * *

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Rick Stambaugh
After serving in the United States Navy for 22 years I retired from the service late in 1991. Having always loved the southwest, shortly after retiring, I moved to the Albuquerque area where I have resided since. Initially I worked as a contractor for approximately 6 years doing cable construction work. That becoming a little dangerous, at an elevated age, I moved into the retail store management environment managing convenience stores for roughly 16 years. With several disabilities, I am now fully retired and am getting more involved with helping Pastor Dewey & Pastor Paul with their operations at FGGAM which pleases my heart greatly as it truly is - "For God's Glory Alone". I met my precious wife Sandy here in Albuquerque and we have been extremely happily married for 18 years and I am the very proud father to Sandy's wonderful children, Tiana, our daughter, Ryan & Ross, our two sons, and proud grandparents to 5 wonderful grandchildren. We attend Christ Full Deliverance Ministries in Rio Rancho which is lead by Pastor's Marty & Paulette Cooper along with Elder Mable Lopez as regular members. Most of my time is now spent split between my family, my church & helping the Pastors by writing here on the FGGAM website and doing everything I can to support this fantastic ministry in the service of our Lord. Praise to GOD & GOD Bless to ALL! UPDATED 2021: Rick and Sandy moved to Florida a few years ago. We adore them and we pray for Rick as he misses Sandy so very, very much!

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