Update From Pastor Don Kimbro On Valencia County Movement Toward Late Term Abortion Ban


March For Life Marks 40th Anniversary Of Roe v. Wade

Written by Pastor Don Kimbro
The Valencia County Commissioners will be listening to comments from the community regarding the Pain Capable Child Protection Ordinance.  This is a pro-active ordinance which, if passed, will let it be known that Late Term abortion is not welcome in Valencia County.  It is important that this fact be established before a hospital comes into Valencia County.  
We need to state that Valencia county residents do not believe in torturing coyotes, prairie dogs nor little children.  It is a known medical fact that pre-born children at the age of 20 weeks feel excruciating pain during Late Term abortions. 
We need to call the commissioners – especially Mary Anderson and Alicia Aguilar at: 
Mary Anderson: 866-4267
Alicia Aguilar: 865-0248
Plan to attend and bring as many people as you can to the Commission meeting to be held at the Old Los Lunas Courthouse on Luna Ave. in Los Lunas this Friday at 5:00 p.m.  Get there early to get a seat inside the meeting room.

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