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Grigori Potemkin and his Potemkin Village with all its facades and pretense reminds me of another Field Marshall type and the fake empire he is trying to build.

Read from Wikipedia:

….. In 1774, Potemkin became the governor-general of Russia’s new southern provinces. An absolute ruler, he worked to colonize the wild steppes, controversially dealing firmly with the Cossacks who lived there. He founded the towns of KhersonNikolayevSevastopol, and Yekaterinoslav (nowDnipropetrovsk). Ports in the region became bases for his new Black Sea Fleet. His rule in the south is associated with the “Potemkin village“, a largely fictional method of ruse involving the construction of painted façades to mimic real villages, full of happy, well-fed people, for visiting officials to see. Potemkin was known for his love of women, gambling and material wealth; he oversaw the construction of many historically significant buildings, including the Tauride Palace in St. Petersburg. A century after Potemkin’s death, his name was given to the Battleship Potemkin, which featured in the 1905 Russian Revolution and was fictionalized in The Battleship Potemkin by Sergey Eisenstein.

See if this grand web site reminds you of another failure. Hint: ObamaCare





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