Dear Friends of our Lord Jesus Christ,

The car that hit Sgt. Baron skidded off the icy road and struck him as he was investigating an accident scene. The driver of that car was not injured and no charges have been filed. The investigation continues.
The Albuquerque Journal reports that Sgt. Baron was promoted to his present position in the Sheriff’s Department, just last month.
There is much news and inspiration for you at FGGAM.ORG this morning! Praise God! ;
My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, James 1:19
Psalm 39:1 I said, “I will watch my ways and keep my tongue from sin.
This morning I was reflecting on what I am thankful for……..One of the first things that came to mind was, I am thankful for no anger and not saying things I should not say.
I am not perfect, I still slip at times, but NOTHING LIKE I DID, as anger was at one time a problem for me before I met this man Jesus Christ fully, I say fully because there is a difference.
I have many people tell me they know Jesus, but by golly they get angry and say things they should not say and do things they should not do.
I am not judging, I am speaking facts.
Having Jesus with you, is like having my Mom with me or Mrs Fett from the first grade, when they would put that finger over there lips and say shhhhh…..I don’t even see that happening in our society anymore…….people telling people to shhh……..
Sharon does it to me at times, and she needs to!!! LOL!.
I have had a couple of people open up on me in the last few months as I have been in the line of their direct fire. WOW! Bullets firing away and scorched earth are the results. I have forgiven them and we need to forgive.
Thankfully I did not fire back, because God was with me and he has given me discretion. WOW WEE, Discretion is such a gift from God.
Proverbs 2:11 teaches us…Discretion will protect you, and understanding will guard you. verse 12….Wisdom will save you from the ways of wicked men, from men whose words are perverse
When I am posting news, or on the radio, TV, or Preaching, or counseling, or talking to Sharon, the Kid’s, friends, strangers, I let God direct my words.
Sometimes I will type a post, or a CUP and God tell’s me to go back and change things, or do not say that.
The other night at the World We Live In Conference, I had worked for days on my presentation..days! And when I got up to speak God gave me a WHOLE NEW MESSAGE! I was not stubborn, I followed my Lord. I dumped my presentation and I have to tell you that happens more often than not! Discretion, listening to the Lord in ALL THINGS!
Discretion is such a gift! Amen! Godly discretion can save our lives, marriages, friendships, etc.
When hurtful words are spoken, it’s like bullets flying everywhere and hitting anything, including hearts and souls it even goes into the walls of homes.
I heard a pastor say on TV the other night, sorry I can not remember his name, that instead of paying hundreds, perhaps thousands of dollars in a recovery program, spend the money on a Bible and dig into God’s word and seek out a Pastor to help you.
Too much money is spent on a lot of these recovery programs, as where a Bible and a Mentor can be much help, and maybe in conjunction with certain recovery programs, depending what the problem is.
Anger is a drug, an addiction…..some do not know what to do without their anger.
It was Pastor Alan Hawkins who told me years ago, that hurting people hurt others.
Remember that the next time someone get’s angry at you……..go to God’s Word in everything….
During the Christmas season as you know, many are hurting and will do and say things they should not.
Be sensitive to that, many are hurting for various reasons.
For God’s Glory Alone in the Love of our Lord Jesus Christ, Dewey, Sharon, Paul, Jo and families
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. Be assured my friends, your gift will be of the greatest help in furthering the ministry work the Lord has laid upon us to carry out in His Holy Name.
Thank you,Dewey Moede
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