“Amazing Grace,” X Two For This Christmas Season


Editor’s Note:  I have posted the following on different occasions and since this time of year is celebrated as Christmas by Christians throughout the world and our gift from our Lord is unmerited favor, or Grace, we feel it is appropriate to post it during this December.

Everything below has been left as it was the last time we posted it.

After hearing this rendition, fans of Amazing Grace, will never hear the hymn in the same way as they have heard it in the past.  The singer not only tells of a great event … He makes the singing itself a great and spiritual event.

Related articles and a note:  There is another version posted just after the related articles.  We posted it during June 2011.  Hopefully, you will be blessed after hearing both renditions.  Right click on this once for a fell-screen version.

I found the above at one of the police officer sites I frequent. It was posted as a tribute to fallen Law Enforcement Officers. I’m placing it on my blog for the same reason and for our fallen Servicemen and Servicewomen.

God Bless You — Those who serve their fellow citizens in war zones all over this nation and the world.

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