Valerie Jarrett Targets Hobby Lobby



We continue to see the trend that limits religious freedom and conviction in favor of so-called human rights.

White House senior adviser Valerie Jarrett called out Hobby Lobby and insisted the Obamacare mandate case that will go before the Supreme Court is about whether big corporations can restrict women from having access to birth control.

Notice the wording there. Jarrett talks about “restricting” women not restricting religious choice.

“No corporate entity should be in position to limit women’s legal access to care, or to seize a controlling interest over the health care choices of women,” Jarrett wrote on the White House blog. “To take that type of power away from individuals, and to let the personal beliefs of a woman’s boss dictate her health care choices would constitute a major step backward for women’s health and self-determination.”

Again, notice the euphemisms being employed. “Employers dictate” and “a major step backward for women’s health and self-determination. Children apparently don’t have a right to health and self-determination.

The case is actually a religious freedom complaint against the administration for the Health and Human Services mandate requiring insurance to provide free coverage of abortion-inducing drugs, contraception and sterilization. If the plaintiffs win, it would not allow them to restrict employees from buying these products on their own, only that the employees would not get them for free.

The high court will hear the case from two family-owned companies, the Oklahoma-based chain Hobby Lobby and the Pennsylvania-based Conestoga Wood Specialties Store Corp., both of which argue that paying for employee-based coverage of these drug violates their religious freedom.


  1. This is so frustrating. It completely bypasses a completely bigger issue here, e.g. socialism. I mean, think about it. Hobby Lobby isn’t trying to control anyone, they just don’t want to be responsible for paying for birth control since it goes against their belief system. What we are dealing with here is social medicine. Nothing is stopping these women from paying for the birth control out of pocket, but no, the government includes these social mandates forcing companies to by into Obamacare and the policies thereof. This is a complete breach of freedom, both when it comes to religion and when it comes to capitalism.

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