Good Morning Everyone !!!
It’s November 29, 2013, the 333rd day of the year with 32 remaining.
I’m hoping everyone was able to celebrate a wonderful Thanksgiving Day yesterday with their family and friends. It was a wonderful day here in Albuquerque New Mexico and I myself had a wonderful day with my precious wife, children and all the grandchildren and I thank God for it !!! Today is yet another beautiful day out and a another glorious in the work for our Lord at:
For God’s Glory Alone Ministries !!!
So, What Happened Today in 1947:
Despite strong Arab opposition, the United Nations votes for the partition of Palestine and the creation of an independent Jewish state.
The modern conflict between Jews and Arabs in Palestine dates back to the 1910s, when both groups laid claim to the British-controlled territory. The Jews were Zionists, recent emigrants from Europe and Russia who came to the ancient homeland of the Jews to establish a Jewish national state. The native Palestinian Arabs sought to stem Jewish immigration and set up a secular Palestinian state.
Beginning in 1929, Arabs and Jews openly fought in Palestine, and Britain attempted to limit Jewish immigration as a means of appeasing the Arabs. As a result of the Holocaust in Europe, many Jews illegally entered Palestine during World War II. Radical Jewish groups employed terrorism against British forces in Palestine, which they thought had betrayed the Zionist cause. At the end of World War II, in 1945, the United States took up the Zionist cause. Britain, unable to find a practical solution, referred the problem to the United Nations, which on November 29, 1947, voted to partition Palestine.
The Jews were to possess more than half of Palestine, though they made up less than half of Palestine’s population. The Palestinian Arabs, aided by volunteers from other countries, fought the Zionist forces, but the Jews secured full control of their U.N.-allocated share of Palestine and also some Arab territory. On May 14, 1948, Britain withdrew with the expiration of its mandate, and the State of Israel was proclaimed by Jewish Agency Chairman David Ben-Gurion. The next day, forces from Egypt, Transjordan, Syria, Lebanon, and Iraq invaded.
The Israelis, though less well equipped, managed to fight off the Arabs and then seize key territories, such as Galilee, the Palestinian coast, and a strip of territory connecting the coastal region to the western section of Jerusalem. In 1949, U.N.-brokered cease-fires left the State of Israel in permanent control of those conquered areas. The departure of hundreds of thousands of Palestinian Arabs from Israel during the war left the country with a substantial Jewish majority.
Other Memorable or Interesting Events Occurring Today:
526 – Antioch, in modern day Syria, struck by earthquake killing approximately 250,000;
799 – Pope Leo III, aided by Charles The Great, returns to Rome;
1812 – Napoleon’s Grand Army crosses Berezina River in retreat from Russia;
1864 – Peaceful Southern Cheyenne & Arapahoe Indians massacred by Col. John Chivington’s Colorado volunteers at Sand Creek, Colorado;
1887 – U.S. receives rights to Pearl Harbor on Oahu, Hawaii;
1890 – 1st Army-Navy football game is played; Navy 24 – Army 0;
1898 – Author C.S. Lewis is born;
1916 – U.S. declares martial law in Dominican Republic;
1929 – Richard Byrd, American explorer, with 3 companions make 1st flight over South Pole;
1944 – Albania liberated from nazi control in WWII;
1942 – Coffee rationing begins in the U.S. during WWII; rising shipping costs due to growing demand by civilians and the military necessitated the action to save money for the war effort;
1950 – U.S.-led U.N. troops begin a desperate retreat out of North Korea under heavy fire from Chinese forces;
1952 – President Dwight D Eisenhower goes to Korea to try to find a key to ending the bitter & frustrating Korean War;
1963 – Beatles release “I Want To Hold Your Hand”;
1963 – President Johnson establishes commission to investigate the assassination of President Kennedy; the commission was lead by Supreme Court Chief Justice Earl Warren & was named ‘the Warren commission;
1967 – Secretary of Defense, Robert S McNamara announces his resignation during the Vietnam War over disagreements with President Johnson;
1971 – U.S. 23rd division ceases combat operations & begins its withdrawal from South Vietnam leaving only the 199th brigade conducting operations in the country;
1972 – ‘PONG’, a video game created by Atari, debuts at Andy Capp;s Tavern in Sunnyvale, California;
1991 – Dust storm in Coalinga, California causes massive car & truck pileup killing 17 people & involved more than 100 vehicles;
2001 – George Harrison, the “Quiet Beatle”, dies at age 58 from cancer.
Today’s Thought For The Day:
Your tongue has no bones, but is strong enough to break a heart so be careful with your words.
Today’s Quote:
“Intense love does not measure, it just gives.” – Mother Teresa
Today’s Funny Quote:
“Outside of a dog, a book is man’s best friend; inside a dog it’s too dark to read.” – Groucho Marx
Today’s Perk For ‘Over Sixties’:
You enjoy signing along with elevator music!
Today’s Wisdom:
There are two theories to arguing with a woman;…neither works!
Today’s Witticism:
It’s not hard to meet expenses these days;…their everywhere!
Today’s One Liner:
Never mix sleeping pills and laxatives!
Today’s Cute Picture:
Today’s Funny Picture:
Until Tomorrow – God Bless to All !!!