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Call to Prayer: U.S. Supreme Court and Public Prayer

National Day of Prayer Task Force - Header

Urgent Call to Prayer
Join Shirley Dobson and a panel of special guests as we pray for legislative prayer in America. Asking for God’s blessing on public meetings is a cherished American tradition that began more than 225 years ago. And yet on November 6, the U.S. Supreme Court will hear a pivotal case regarding the long-standing constitutional right to have legislative bodies open with a voluntary prayer. The outcome of this case could substantially impact our freedom to pray in this nation.
  1. The continuation of the public prayer tradition that began with our founding fathers.
  2. The freedom of community volunteers to pray according to their faith in a public setting without censorship.
  3. The preservation of freedom of speech in the face of one “offended” person’s demands for censorship.
  4. The foundational American principle of freedom of religion.

Alliance Defending Freedom and its allies are defending public prayer before the U.S. Supreme Court on November 6. In support, the National Day of Prayer Task Force is issuing a clarion call to prayer and asking you to join with us on this National Prayer Call for the future of America. As part of the prayer call, an attorney with Alliance Defending Freedom will share more about what this case means for our nation and what we can expect.


WHEN: Wednesday, November 6

TIME: 1:00-2:00 p.m. Eastern Time Zone

HOW: Call 712-432-0075 (enter PIN: 4961322#)


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