Are you Ready?


Are you ready to fully believe and thus receive from our Lord ?

The following is quoted from ‘Jesus Calling’ by Sarah Young”

This is a time of abundance in your life. Your cup runneth over with blessings. After plodding
uphill for many weeks, you are now traipsing through lush meadows drenched in warm sunshine.
I want you to enjoy to the full this time of ease and refreshment. I delight in providing it for you.

Sometimes My children hesitate to receive My good gifts with open hands. Feelings of false guilt
creep in, telling them they don’t deserve to be so richly blessed. This is nonsense-thinking because
no one deserves anything from Me. My kingdom is not about earning and deserving; it’s about
believing and receiving.

When a child of Mine balks at accepting My gifts, I am deeply grieved. When you receive My abundant
blessings with a grateful heart, I rejoice. My pleasure in giving and your pleasure in receiving flow
together in joyous harmony.

Psalm 23:5 KJV; John 3:16; Luke 11:9; Romans 8:32

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