Albuquerque: Pro-Choice has the $$$, Pro-Life has the Motivation and Momentum


Yesterday I left very early to preach in Reserve, New Mexico and did not see the Sunday edition of the Albuquerque Journal until this morning.  It saddens me greatly that the Journal is recommending a no vote on the late term abortion initiative, saying that city elections should be about concerns the city can meaningfully deal with. I am quoting their Sunday Editorial directly. Oh my, they do not understand do they! If we do not continue to stand for the sanctity of life, who will? The matter of murdering babies is a city concern, what awful thinking!   As Albuquerque’s crime rate rages out of control with daily violence, The Journal had or still has an opportunity to speak out against the murdering of babies. By the way, New Mexico rates near the top, number 4 or 5 last time I looked a few months ago, in violent crime in the United States. Crime is out of control in Albuquerque and in the state. Pro-choicers have the $, Pro- Life has the motivation andFollowTheMoney the…

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