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ABQ Voters For Late Term Abortion Ban: Get out the Vote Video

Albuquerque, NM- Since launching our campaign last month ABQ Voters For Late Term Abortion Ban has been getting out the vote in local ABQ churches. “The Christian churches make up the majority of our voting base and that is where our focus is, and where our votes “FOR” the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Ordinance will come from,” stated Tara Shaver, Chair.

Our campaign volunteers have been warmly welcomed into dozens of local churches who are eager to see this ordinance pass. In lieu of a mainstream television commercial we our proud to launch our latest effort to remind voters within the churches to cast their ballot vote “FOR” the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Ordinance with our latest promotional video. This video is relevant among our base and cuts to the heart of the issue. “Whether or not we can kill innocent human beings in the womb who can feel pain is what’s on the ballot and what ABQ voters will decide,” stated Tara Shaver.

We are confident that the referendum will pass since 54% of ABQ residents support banning abortions at 20 weeks of pregnancy. We are witnessing firsthand that local ABQ citizens support this measure and are already eagerly casting their votes early and by absentee ballots.

ABQ Voters For Late Term Abortion Ban will continue reaching out in local churches, through Christian radio and television in an effort to mobilize voters who support banning late term abortions.

Tara Shaver


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