ABQ Late Term Abortion Ban Vote Fails and Arnold Jones Loses Her Seat On Council


The vote to end late term abortion in Albuquerque has failed.

Very sad to these these numbers, Let us be in prayer for the City of Albuquerque.

Choosing death over life.

Big night for Democrats in the City of Albuquerque winning the abortion vote and a City Council seat, giving them

the majority on the Council.  Diane Gibson, who ran a dirty, smear campaign, defeated our Dear Friend Janice Arnold-Jones on the City Council. This is a wrong turn, very wrong turn

For the Ban 38,898: 45%

Against the Ban 48,042: 55%

50 of 50 Precincts reporting 100%

Just  before 10pm The Santa Fe Archdiocese posted this on their Facebook page:

Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, hear us.
Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, graciously hear us.

Archbishop Michael Sheehan has been a huge supporter of banning late term abortion in Albuquerque.


Here’s the results  in the Dist. 7 City Council Race

Arnold Jones 6,479: 48%

Gibson 7,123: 52%

50 of 50 Precincts reporting 100%

Gibson is the winner, so Arnold Jones who was appointed by Mayor Berry to the seat fails to win at the voting booth. Gibson gives the Democrats control of the Council.

Not a good night in Albuquerque.

However, there was good news out of Texas, interesting that the secular media did not report on this tonight! https://fggam.org/supreme-court-declines-to-block-texas-abortion-restrictions/

city of Albuquerque




  1. Devastating news! Might as well just put new signs up at all city entrances: “Welcome to Albuqueque, Murder Capital of The Nation”. PLEASE PRAY!!!

  2. My heart is grieving. Unfortunately I believe Albuquerque will continue to get more and more sinful at this point, and reap the consequences for allowing and encouraging murder of innocent babies. Money talks and the opposition had money coming in from all over the US. So sad how people are so deceived and self serving. I am continuing to pray that their eyes and hearts be opened before it’s too late, and they would fall before The Lord and repent for worshipping death and darkness. Again, I am truly devastated…

  3. Let us not be naive and just blame the Democrats for this defeat since many were with us. This was set up to lose in the beginning when the City Clerk took her time verifying petition signatures so it wouldn’t get on general election ballot even with the media was wondering why it was talking so long. Ask the Berry administration why they didn’t want the abortion ban on the ballot in the Mayors race and ask the Mayor who ran his campaign and he’ll tell you it was the same person who ran the Governor’s campaign who was against the ban from the beginning. And ask them why. But these are all Republicans who run for office as pro-life but really do so just to get the pro-life vote. So if you’re really interested in saving babies, you need to confront these politicians who play us for fools. When we let them get away with it we let babies die. Check the facts and then investigate why the Governor was against the ban. You’ll be shocked-but you’ll save babies in the future.

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