Narrow Gate Theater led by Dennis Cole presents “The Bell of Alameda”

bell 2Dennis Cole is the Director of “The Bell of Alameda” This is your personal invitation from Dennis:dennis Cole
I wanted you to know that Narrow Gate Theater our acting company is doing The Bell Of Alameda at the Lobo Theatre in Albuquerque. The dates are Thurs and Fri night 7:30pm Nov 14, 15, and Sat matinee at 2 pm Nov 16.
The inside story or as Paul Harvey would say, the rest of the story, is that this play about ” love, marriage, lots of rain, and a bell” has filled me with a joy I have not experienced in years.
In some ways never before.
Wendy and I are in awe that in such difficult times for our culture, that we can be part of this inter- generational community of Love.
As my brother Michael is holding to life itself with pancreatic cancer, we, our cast and crew, are holding to our ensemble.
In a different and yet similar way as Michael ,we are losing ourselves and placing the lost particles into the roles we are playing.
Acting is generally seen as performing we see acting as compassion,…a means to leave our lives and yet find ourselves in the parts we play. We call it letting Jesus play you.
Please, if you can come, …Come.
The play which depicts hispanic Abq 1903 will open you up to all humanity. You , after seeing this may want to leap for joy for Loves sake and be reconnected to the wonderful experience of being alive, being human.
If being a cast member is any indication of what the audience can receive from seeing this….then come and be ready to rediscover not only it” a wonderful life”,
but that The Bell Of Alameda is a wonderful play.
Thank you so much Dennis!
Here is the Official Press Release for “The Bell of Alameda”
Narrow Gate Theater presents a Historic New Mexico play called “The Bell of Alameda”

 Narrow Gate Theater is presenting a locally written, Historic New Mexico play called “The Bell of Alameda” on November 14, 15 and 16th at the Lobo Theatre. Set in 1903 early Albuquerque, this theatrical play reflects old Albuquerque and Hispanic culture of that time. Creative Coordinator and Director Dennis Cole acts alongside local talent Rebekah Apodaca, Rob Montoya, and Rene Reyes telling a story about love, marriage, lots of rain, and a bell.

“The Bell of Alameda” will be presented at the historic Lobo Theatre located at 3013 Central Ave NE, Albuquerque, NM 87016. Performance times on November 14 and 15 will be at 7:30pm, and performance time on November 16 will be at 2:00pm. There will be NO charge for admission to attend the event.

For more information, please contact Dennis Cole, Director of Narrow Gate Theater at (505)259-1282 or email

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