FGGAM Special Report on The Shooting of 3 Law Enforcement Officers in Albuquerque

Dewey Moede
Lars Moede Photo of Pastor Dewey Moede

UPDATE FROM SHERIFF DAN HOUSTON: I want to quickly thank all of you for your prayers and well wishes for the officers and deputy who were shot yesterday. I’m headed to church and then back to the hospital. There will be a news conference later today held by Chief Banks and myself. Thanks for your patience and again for your out pouring of support.

Pastor Dewey:

I am devastated with what took place in Albuquerque yesterday, very sad. I am looking around  and saying, Lord, don’t people see what is going on here? Our Law Enforcement Officers in New Mexico are in more danger today than yesterday. This past week the Commander of the State Police was hoping he would not lose any officers after the shoot out in Espanola that left one officer shot and wounded and the suspect dead. Saturday in Albuquerque we had 3 Brave Officers shot and wounded.  All hell broke out in Albuquerque yesterday. The shooter had an assault weapon and fired many shots and also stole a APD cruiser. There are at least four crime scenes from this tragedy. There was a historic police chase around parts of the city, and finally the shooter crashed the APD Cruiser into a gas station and was shot and killed.  Witnesses in parts of the four different crime scenes report bullets whizzing by them. I have said for years that our Law Enforcement Officers are in grave danger, the criminals are brazen and well armed. There is no routine call’s anymore. This shooter was ready to kill, dressed in camouflage and with an assault rifle at a city bus stop and had a person call APD and tell them he was waiting for them and then an APD Officer arrives and the shooter starts firing away at the Officer and the shooter steals the Officers squad car and the chase begins.

The Albuquerque Journal headline this morning is: LIKE A WAR ZONE.

Like it or not that is what much of our Country, the United States of America has become.

New Mexico is in the top five of the most violent crime states in America.

This past week the United States of America has lost two school teachers, both killed by guns.

For years I have been preaching that the fabric of America is being ripped apart, because we have kicked God out of our Country.

I just don’t state the problem, I can give you the answer to bringing America back to it’s one time greatness, and it is not a Political issue, it is GOD.

Late yesterday afternoon I had a young man running up to the house yelling Pastor I need help, Pastor I need help I want my life to mean much more for my daughters I want to know God.

America needs to get to know God again.

This young man came running down the street almost tripping, I was in AWE of God in what was happening, because I was asking God what do I do with these shootings that are taking place in the City I live in???

And this young man said, Pastor please help me!!! I want to get close to God.

This young man’s name is Tyrus…..please pray for him.

He has had problems with the law in the past, but he has two young daughters and wants a better life for them and himself.

God can do that, a better life in Him, we can’t, God has to work in our lives.

Here is the verse that God gave me to share with you all today and it fit’s America to the T!

My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge , I also reject you as my priests, because you have ignored the law of your God. I also will ignore your children. Hosea 4:6

America is no longer a Christian nation, thus it has rejected God and His knowledge, His ways.

The result is Chaos, and it can be seen all around you, on our streets, in our government, in our schools…and on and on….

I am just not ranting, I have the solution and it’s not a political one, it’s not a popular one in America, but it is God.

It is time for much of America to take off the blinders. We are destroying the greatest Country ever!

God has already Blessed America, it is time to stop saying God Bless America, HE HAS, and we kicked HIM to the curb. America Bless God.

Let us pray for the wounded Officers and their families and all Law Enforcement Officers.

The media is going to be looking for answers to this latest tragedy and they for the most part will go down the wrong path…..God is the answer.

KOB TV was in such a hurry to report the Officers name’s that they reported the wrong information, they wanted to be first. Another symptom of what is wrong with America and it’s media.

Update from APD: Both APD officers shot in today’s (Saturdays) incident are listed in stable condition and expected to recover. Our thoughts and prayers remain with the officers and their families.

We have not seen a report on the Sheriff’s deputy as of yet. Let us be in prayer.

Update: https://fggam.org/name-of-of-shooter-of-law-enforcement-officers-released/

Read more here please: https://fggam.org/2-albuquerque-police-officers-and-1-bernalillo-county-deputy-shot-and-wounded/

Read here about the injured Deputy Sheriff: https://fggam.org/wounded-deputy-identified-let-us-be-in-constant-prayer-for-healing-in-jesus-name-amen/


The World We Live In


  1. What happened in Albuquerque yesterday is horrific and I pray dilligently for all involved. It is terrible that this happened,and my heart aches for the police officers and their family’s. But I would like to point out that many people mistake simple semi-automatic weapons for so called “ASSAULT WEAPONS” Simply for the simple fact that they look military. Albuquerque Police carry a simple .223 semi automatic rifle and the gun this man used was probably similar. these “Weapons” while looking quite intimadating because of the main stream media
    glamorazing them are no different fuctionally then any weapon our citizens or even our relatives use to hunt. The term “ASSAULT WEAPON” refers to a weapon that has been manufactured for a state of fullly automatic use where you just hold the trigger and semi-automatic is where the trigger must be pulled each time. My fear is if we continue to misuse these terms that Our second ammdement rights will be taken from us and we will find ourselves living George Orwells book “1984”

  2. Dear sisters and Brothers,
    Praise the Lord; I am brother john from Africa Kenya. First of all I congratulate you so much for the wonderful work you doing in the Lord. I am appreciating and touched after read your web site and request you to work together with your ministry as brothers and sisters in the Lord. Matt 10:40.says that He who receives you receives me, and he who receives me receives Him who sent me. Brothers and sisters we kindly request you through God’s love to extend that wonderful work over here in Africa Kenya .We a small church members of 34 worshiping under threes.and also we have disabled people,vulnerable children,and orphans.we kindly request you through God’s love to keep them in your daily prayers. Jeremiah 33 3: say call to me, and I will answer you, and saw you great mighty things, which you do not know. My dear servant of God we welcome you. And I hope through my faith God who directing me to affiliate you He will open you ways to get a chance even one day to visit us. And teach us more about the word of God.
    The grace of our Lord Jesus be with you.Amen.Looking forward to hear from you.
    Brother John

  3. This was a horrible incident in our city. I continue to pray for an AWAKENING TO GOD in our city, state and nation. I also thank God for His Word that says where sin abounds, grace does much more abound (Romans 5:20(b)). As Christ’s ambassadors we will continue to pray and believe that God’s Kingdom be manifested and His will be done here on earth as it is in Heaven. GOD ALWAYS WINS. Amen!!!

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