Benjamin Netanyahu, Don’t Trust Iranian President’s “Charm Offensive”


In an interview last night with Greta Van Susteren’s “On the Record”, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu laid out in very diplomatic terms why the United States and the International Community should not lighten or lessen the current sanctions on Iran.

Mr. Netanyahu praised the Persian people for their collective history of support for the people of Israel. At the same time he condemned the oppressive totalitarian government of Iran that will not allow its people the freedom to use Twitter or see opposing viewpoints broadcast from outside Iran.

The prime minister also warned trusting the new Iranian president and his so-called charm offensive. Mr Netanyahu pointed out that Hassan Rouhani, the Iranian president, was the chief negotiator on Iran’s nuclear weapons program and that he delayed sanctions for Iran, allowing time for Iran to build it’s nuclear enrichment facility. This is a common tactic in Islam practiced by Mohammad himself. Make peace while you build your strength to attack.

Benjamin Netanyahu is a thoughtful world leader, he understands the true nature of the world we live in and still chooses his words carefully. Watch the interview below.

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