Protect ABQ Women and Children urges City Council to move ahead with Late Term Abortion Initiative


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Elisa Martinez, 505-717-9868
Protect ABQ Women & Children

albuquerque city council good

Protect ABQ Women & Children Encourages City Council to Approve November 19 Election Date for Late-Term Abortion Voter Initiative


Date would coincide with already scheduled run-off election, save city taxpayer dollars and allow voices ofAlbuquerque residents to be heard

ALBUQUERQUE – Today, the Albuquerque City Council will decide the date for the voter-led “Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Ordinance” to appear on the ballot. The initiative bans abortions in most cases after 5 months, or 20-weeks, of pregnancy.


“Albuquerque residents are very much in support of the ordinance to end the horrific practice of allowing dangerous late-term abortions in our city, where out-of-state abortion providers travel to Albuquerque to make a hefty profit on our state’s lack of common-sense regulations on this women’s health issue,” said Elisa Martinez, executive director of Protect ABQ Women & Children. “We look forward to the ordinance appearing on the November 19 ballot and educating voters about the dangers and abuses of the late-term abortion industry here in our city.”


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