Protect ABQ Women and Children Launches efforts to end Late-Term Abortion in Albuquerque

For Immediate Release
Andria Gilligan
Protect ABQ Women & Children
Local Advocacy Group, Protect ABQ Women & Children, Launches Outreach Efforts to End Late-Term Abortions in Albuquerque
Group who initiated “Pain Capable Unborn Child” ordinance calls out city and state leaders for ignoring the voice of Albuquerque residents, stresses this is a New Mexico-based campaign designed to educate about dangers of late-term abortions
ALBUQUERQUE – Today, Protect ABQ Women & Children, a local advocacy group, launched their outreach efforts to inform voters of the dangerous late-term abortion industry in Albuquerque in light of the November 19ballot measure. Members of Protect ABQ Women & Children initiated the petition process to end abortions after 20-weeks for five months of pregnancy.



“Albuquerque has become the late-term abortion capital of the U.S. because of New Mexico’s lack of any common-sense abortions laws that protect the health and safety of women,” said Elisa Martinez, executive director of Protect ABQ Women & Children. “The abortion industry here is very lucrative, therefore we have out-of-state abortion provider traveling to Albuquerque to perform late-term abortions and Albuquerque residents want that practice to end.”


In New Mexico, abortion is legal for any reason up until the day of birth. At least 13 other states have passed 20-week abortion bans and court rulings have set precedents that allows for states and municipalities to restrict abortions on behalf of the unborn child when there is compelling reason.


“The fact that scientific evidence shows babies feel  tremendous amounts of pain at 20 weeks, if not earlier, when their lives are taken is compelling enough reason to end the horrific late-term abortion industry in Albuquerque and we believe that the ban will be upheld in the court of law,” Martinez added. “For too long officials in the legislature, and now some members of the city council, have tried to block any type of protective regulation so we are taking this directly to the people.”


As for the safety for women, the late-term abortion facility in downtown Albuquerque, Southwestern Women’s Options’ own consent from that is required to be signed before a late-term abortion is performed, states the risks of termination gradually increase over the course of the pregnancy. Their abortion consent form implicitly states “that pregnancy termination at 18 weeks and above involves a greater risk than carrying the pregnancy to term.”


Additionally, abortion clinics in New Mexico that perform surgical abortions, including dangerous late-term surgical abortions, are not classified as ambulatory surgical centers.  And the state’s Department of Health has no oversight over these facilities – making them less safe than a nail salon.

In July, Protect ABQ Women & Children, along with other pro-life groups turned in nearly 27,000 signatures, more than double the necessary needed to put the measure on a city-wide ballot, in half the allotted time. Protect ABQ Women & Children is a local advocacy campaign that is working to raise awareness of the dangers of the late-term abortion industry in Albuquerque and to garner support for the “Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Ordinance” which bans abortion after 20 weeks of pregnancy.


  1. While I’m personally against abortion, I am more against taking away a woman’s rights. The government has no place in moral judgements. Waste of money and none of your business. Don’t want or need an abortion, DON”T HAVE ONE. How many children have you adopted?

    DON’T notify me of any of this goverment overreach.

    • Does the child at risk have any rights in this? At what point does a person gain their rights? I feel this issue is about the rights of humans regardless of age or positional status. I addressed this issue previously in an article on euthanasia. When does a person loose their right to live? If they have not breached the womb? If they are a burden on others because of age or disability?
      I do not hold that a woman has a “right” over the life of another. She has a right not to engage in the activities that bring life into this world.

      • Well said! I like the correlation you made between abortion and euthanasia. Really, when someone ages to a point of being “burdensome” on society and their “quality of life” is diminishing, do they lose their right to live? It is a scary thing when a culture starts forgetting about the “Sanctity of Life”.

    • Interesting that you say “The government has no place in moral judgements”. Should the government legalize murder? I mean, Why not, if we don’t have an innate moral center in our brains, then why should we take away someone’s right to kill someone that they hate? Let’s take it a step further. Should you have the right to take away someone else’s rights? Its a paradox isn’t it, by giving women the “right” to abort their baby, you are removing the innate right to live from said baby. Oh they aren’t really baby’s you say? Modern science has already disproved that fallacy… They don’t have a voice so of course they cannot defend themselves… But that is ok, We now have detected brain activity in unborn babies using electroencephalogram as early as 12 weeks. So my question to you, should babies lives be stifled out because of the unfortunate choices and circumstances outside the womb?

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