A letter from from the heart……….


This letter is from the heart to any and all who might cross paths with my friend, my Pastor, Dewey Moede, and might have the blessing and opportunity to come in contact with the good works of his ministry, ‘For God’s Glory Alone Ministries’. (FGGAM)

Dewey and I have been friends, and later colleagues in the radio industry, from the time I first moved to Albuquerque in 1998. I have known Dewey well these many years; I know his dedication, his work ethic, his loyalty and his faithfulness to our Lord, Jesus. And because I know Dewey, I can personally attest to the tremendous personal and spiritual growth with which he has been blessed. And, by which the Lord blesses others through him.

Dewey and I stayed in touch over the years and traded updates on our children, exchanged warm messages of love and support as we both endured the pain of divorce, and prayed for one another as we each journeyed on our path to Christ. When Dewey shared with me that he was to become formally ordained as a minister, I was delighted! He was so committed to God’s work that he was dedicating his life to it. Plus, the Lord had brought him a lovely help-mate, Sharon, to be his wife and his partner in this new and sacred adventure. I could not have been happier for him. I was inspired to further commit my own life to the Lord as I’d already seen such abundant and positive changes in Dewey’s life that I hoped to emulate.

And so, when God saw fit to bless me with a Godly partner and we wished to marry, Dewey was the only choice. I did not know at the time that my husband Peter and I would be Dewey’s first marriage ceremony, but he was truly exceptional. Before our closest family and friends, Peter and I committed our lives to one another and Dewey brought much love and meaning to our special day. Dewey invoked the Holy Spirit and joined us before God in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ; it was perfect. I have no doubt the Holy Spirit truly moved among us that day. And every day since, our family continues to feel God’s presence in our lives for which we are eternally grateful.

A little time passed and about a year ago, Dewey called to say he was leaving his full time job to dedicate his life, and all his days, to shepherding God’s people. I was in awe. And I knew I was meant to help him. What Dewey did not know at the time, was that I had recently studied in the book of Malachi and as a result, I’d committed myself to tithing. I do attend weekly services at a church that I love, and I had been tithing there, though sporadically. So I’d asked the Lord for guidance as to where He would have me allocate my tithe as I had a gut feeling I wasn’t doing quite what He wanted. It was just a few days later that Dewey called.

God answered my question. And in doing so, the Lord affirmed for me that Dewey was indeed called to this special work, and it was his time to mobilize. As for me and my house, we shall serve the Lord, in whatever manner He decides. And boy, had He decided!

Bring the whole tithe (the full tenth) into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. “Test me in this,” says the LORD Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.” – Malachi 3:10

This is the only place in all scripture where God asks us to test Him.

Sincerely, I would personally never presume to actually ‘test’ God, but I understood that the Lord had to be deadly serious in extending this dare. And I wanted to be obedient (I admit, this is sometimes a problem for me). But since then, I can humbly attest that the Lord has abundantly blessed my family with favor and kindness that I can’t even begin to describe here.

But far, far more importantly, I have witnessed what our modest contribution to FGGAM has done for the many people that Dewey and his lovely wife Sharon have ministered to, and how passionately they carry out our Father’s work. Dewey and Sharon bring God’s message of love, healing, comfort and surrender to so many souls who may have otherwise lost hope. Dewey himself is up every morning before the birds to spend some personal time with the Lord and to send out a daily boost of faith in his ‘Daily Cup’ blog… not to mention producing a TV ministry program, officiating at a variety of services all over the state of New Mexico, attending a diverse assortment of prayer meetings (including at the ‘Round House’ in our state’s capital for a day of prayer with our Governor) and even making time for coffee and a personal prayer with a friend, whenever one is in need. I have personally been thusly blessed on a number of occasions.

Dewey covers a lot of ground in the process of spreading God’s word. The Lord must surely trust this man as He places opportunities to minister at every turn, including even in the softball league where Dewey coaches and plays during the summer league months.

If my small offering helps Dewey and Sharon bring others to Christ and spread His message of peace and comfort and hope, then I, too, have been profoundly, immeasurably blessed! And in ways far more important and life-altering than simple worldly treasures. Dewey provides a living, dynamic example of what an obedient, Godly life can mean to the people around it. His experience demonstrates for the rest of us God’s mercy, generosity and His willingness to open doors, to bless absolutely and even to grant the gift of prophecy, as Dewey has already experienced on a number of occasions.

For this formerly “rebellious stiff-neck”, the realization that I have been called to bear witness to the growth and development of this ministry moves me to tears that I might be entrusted with so important a task. I promise you, I am not worthy. The love and dedication that Dewey and Sharon bring to their mission is both awe inspiring and rousing to the spirit as God has clearly hand-picked these lovely people. One can only hope to follow their example. Even so, they always put the Lord first, as even the name of their ministry says it all, “For God’s Glory Alone”.

If you have not yet visited their website, I urge you to do so, now and often. Dewey and his wonderful contributors offer a broad selection of brilliant inspiration, world news from a Christian perspective, videos from ‘Dewey & Friends’ TV broadcasts and even a prayer wall where you may post your burdens and concerns to be prayed over by a growing army of prayer warriors that Dewey has almost single-handedly recruited – literally from around the world! All of this and more is readily available to you – including personal access to Pastor Dewey – at www.fggam.org.

All that said, I’d like to leave you with a parting thought, also from the book of Malachi…

Then those who feared the LORD talked with each other, and the LORD listened and heard. A scroll of remembrance was written in His presence concerning those who feared the LORD and honored His name. “They will be my people”, says the Lord of Heaven’s Armies. “On the day when I act in judgment, they will be my own special treasure. I will spare them as a father spares an obedient child.” – Malachi 3:16-17

Surely Dewey and Sharon Moede are already well noted in God’s holy ‘scroll of remembrance’. The rest of us, we need only gather a mustard seed of faith and follow in obedience.

Wishing you showers of blessings.

Yours in Christ,

Grace Cordova-Kalberer
grace and Peter


  1. Pastor Dewey,
    Hi- Just a note to comment on the letter from Grace. I’m so happy and proud that she shared her testimony…. I have seen her spiritualy grow. I work with her daily, She has been a blessing to work with to share God here in our work place is awsome. Just want to thank you for comming by our work place to visit and pray with us. I pray that God continue to bless your family and ministry.

    Thank you,

    Margo Watson-Baca

  2. Margo, it was a Godly blessing to meet you! What a fun day I had with you all at the radio stations! I continue to pray for you! God Bless you and yours forever and ever! Please stay in touch! And yes, Grace, Peter and Becca are such an AWESOME blessing, just like you!

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