Stay The Course: Stepping into your Prophetic Destiny




By Stephen Young 




A few weeks ago I had the opportunity to speak at the mid-week Bible study at church. The title of my message was “Stay The Course: Stepping Into Your Prophetic Destiny.” It was something that had been on my heart for a while and something that Kristen and I have been walking through. I’ve decided to share this message with you through Stephen’s Gate over the next few weeks. I’m not sure yet how many weeks it will take to get through it but I’m going to break it down into sections. This week’s is called “The Prophetic Process.” I pray that, over the next few weeks, you’re able to take something from these that will help you stay the course as you step into your prophetic destiny.


To start off, some of you reading this may not understand what the word prophetic means. When we speak of prophecy or a prophetic word it’s a foretelling of your future, it’s a prediction of what’s to come. It’s not fortune telling, it’s God revealing to you what His plan is for your life. It’s that sense that you have when you know God is leading you in a certain direction. For some of you it may be something the Lord has spoken to you personally or a prophetic word spoken over you from someone else. Maybe you’re thinking, “I’ve never received a prophetic word.” Well, you have. Open up your Bible and begin to read about God’s promises. The Bible is your prophetic word over your life. All of God’s promises are for you and they were written before you were born so it falls into the class of being a word that is foretelling your future, and it’s good. The Bible is your prophetic word over your life.


With every prophetic word comes a process and the minute you come into agreement with the prophetic word or promise of God’s Word, the process begins. If I’m not in agreement with it, it will lay stagnant but as soon as I decide to come into agreement with the word, it’s then that the process starts. You may not even realize that there is a process starting but it has. When God created the earth he spoke a word. He prophesied, in a sense, to the earth. The earth came into agreement with the word and the process began.


What does that word process mean? By definition, process means: a continuous action, operation, or series of changes taking place in a definite manner. It’s continuous, it’s a series of changes so as you step into your prophetic destiny, as you come into agreement with God’s plan for your life the process becomes a continuous action and a series of changes that will last your entire life as long as you are continually in agreement with God’s plan for you.


If you’ve ever received a prophetic word from someone, when you first get that word and the process begins, life is great. You’re excited about what God has for but I can guarantee you there will come a time when part of the process requires a testing and it may not be as enjoyable as you thought it was going to be. The purpose of the test is to make you a better person and develop you for the prophetic destiny that you are stepping into. You need to stay the course!


Again, if you’re not familiar with the prophetic, if you don’t understand what it’s all about or maybe you don’t agree with it or believe it’s for today; don’t get hung up on that one word. Prophetic is about your future, it’s about what God has planned for you. You need to stay the course and step into the prophetic destiny God has for you. Next week I will be sharing on “The Test.”

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