Small Town Working Class Views


My son Lars suggested I do a column on small town working class views as he feels that’s what I address, since a small town with working class people are my foundation. Small town values. He told me this last week, and the Lord said go for it…so I will see where this takes us!

Amazed how fast time is going, the days seem shorter as I get older, Grandpa  Caraway always told me they would.

Sadden by the lack of empathy in the world. That is why we must be a shining light for Jesus and spread it all around, showing love to those that show no empathy.

It seems many Christians are no longer standing in the gap for the sanctity of marriage, many feel that same-sex marriage will be law in the United States. The Pro-Life movement is gaining in America, while the stand for the Sanctity of marriage is losing.

I can tell by the stories being read here at FGGAM, people are not so interested in same-sex marriage becoming law or not.

I have never seen anything like what is going on in New Mexico, a County Clerk in Dona Ana County and Judges in Santa Fe and Bernalillo Counties okaying same sex marriage. County by County? Capture

Taos County seems to be the next County in New Mexico that will okay same-sex marriage.

The Governor and Attorney General of New Mexico both running for the office of Governor in the next election are pretty silent on whats going on in the state. Not surprising of Attorney General King, but disappointing to see in Gov. Martinez who is of the Catholic faith.

I find this time to be one of hope, it is a time to help educate others in God.

America has no foreign policy, I have said that for years. We are no longer the leader in the world, we have lost most all respect in the world. Russia and China are the world leaders. Russia has a lot to say as to how things play out in the Mid-East.

The economy is not getting better, it is getting worse. I see it everyday in people.

Too many politicians who say they are Christian when running for office, once elected forget their Bible at home.

It”s not about the Elephant or Donkey, it’s about the Lamb.

It’s not about being on the right side of history that is an over used term it’s about being on Gods side and what His Word says




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