Who am I, O Lord God?



Dear family of our Lord Jesus Christ,
















I am in mourning and praying over the death of the 19 firefighters in Arizona. It is even hard for me to type this today. It was very hard to post the news last night and this morning at FGGAM. To start off the CUP this morning please click here and read my post at FGGAM: https://fggam.org/praying-and-mourning-the-death-of-arizona-firefighters-our-heros/

I also pray that you will let this soak in………………..
There is nothing more thrilling than pursing God and having a personal relationship with our Father. I was told years ago by a Pastor, “Dewey you are a man after God’s own heart.” He said you are like David. I really went to work and read all I could about David! Have you studied the life of David? Perhaps no man has ever went after God’s heart like King David. Many of the psalms are the results of his quietly waiting and reflecting upon God. As a “man after God’s own heart,” David first had to know the mind and heart of God. To a large extent, David accomplished this through the persistent practice of godly meditation. A vivid illustration can be found in 2 Samuel 7. In this chapter we see that David has reached a place of rest in his reign. His war campaigns are no longer on the drawing board, and he is now contemplating building a temple for the Lord. The prophet Nathan gives an encouraging message of God’s faithfulness to David and the Lord’s plan for constructing the temple. David’s response to Nathan’s communique is found in 2 Samuel 7:18 , “Then King David went in and sat before the Lord; and he said: “Who am I, O Lord God? And what is my house, that You have brought me this far?” Notice the phrase, David “sat before the Lord.” Now he wasn’t sitting in a chair as we would. He was kneeling and sitting back on his heels, listening, and talking to the Lord.
Let us do the same each day.
Pray over the words found in 2 Samuel 7:18″ “Who am I, O Lord God?”
We are to start our day with God and meditate……..
Meditation is the activity of calling to mind, and thinking over, and dwelling on, and applying to oneself, the various things that one knows about the works and ways and purposes and promises of God.  It is an activity of holy thought, consciously performed in the presence of God, under the eye of God, by the help of God, as a means of communion with God.  Its purpose is to clear one’s mental and spiritual vision of God, and to let His truth make its full and proper impact on one’s mind and heart.  It is a matter of talking to oneself about God and oneself; it is, indeed, often a matter of arguing with oneself, reasoning oneself out of moods of doubt and unbelief into a clear apprehension of God’s power and grace.  Its effect is to ever humble us as we contemplate God’s greatness and glory, and our own littleness and sinfulness, and to encourage and reassure us–“comfort” us in the old, strong Bible sense of the word–as we contemplate the unsearchable riches of divine mercy displayed in the Lord Jesus Christ.
For God’s Glory Alone in the Love of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Dewey Sharon and Family

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. Be assured my friends, your gift will be of the greatest help in furthering the ministry work the Lord has laid upon us to carry out in His Holy Name. 

Thank you,
Dewey Moede

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