The Word of the Day: FEAR


word of the daySunday I will be Preaching at Crestview Baptist Church in Albuquerque. If you do not have a home church we would love to see you at 11am! I will be preaching on The Power of Confidence in God. Phil 4:13 where Paul says, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Amen! The more and more I counsel people I am sadden by the many who are consumed by FEAR! How are you doing on that front? There are those of you who are allowing fear to overwhelm you more and more, where you are going to the Doctor. God gives us the power to overcome FEAR! I am more convinced everyday that we waste the powers that God has given us to overcome fear, hate, depression, addictions, these conditions are not of God, but of man. God overcomes all! You have to believe the words of Paul, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Fear used to be a problem for me and it can still creep in when I get very tired and discouraged but God refreshes me, like rebooting my computer, God reboots me! LOL LOL As you become closer to God in your personal relationship, you will develop confidence by knowing that God is your heavenly Father, who loves you unconditionally. You will develop confidence by meditating over the Word of God. The Word of God will help heal you. You will learn to keep your eye’s fixed upon Jesus Christ and not your fears. The key is a personal relationship with Him. If you need help contact me. I continue to find the biggest obstacle people face is that they have not completely surrendered to God. Have you?

I just love what I do because God has us state the problem and He always has the solution! But we have to surrender to Him and His ways. You then will be on the most wonderful journey, the journey God has in mind for you!

As I close this morning let me share with you how the Amplified Bible put’s Paul’s message in Phil 4:13

Soak this in please: Remember Paul is writing this while in prison!

I have strength for all things in Christ Who empowers me, I am ready for anything and equal to anything through Him Who infuses inner strength into me: I am self-sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency.

I know people who are in wheelchairs who are the strongest people and happiest people I have know because they have Jesus Christ!

Fear is bondage…..God can let you free, in fact He is the only one who can truly make you free! Paul was chained to prison bars!

Maybe the main key for me of being set free from fear, was realizing fear is a sin, because with fear we are deny the power of God.

In Jesus name, Amen!