The Word of the Day: EGO, stands for Edging God Out


word of the dayEven though John the Baptist possessed the strongest voice of his day, when Jesus stepped forward, He willingly submitted to His authority. He even predicted Christ’s coming. He knew his role was to prepare everyone for the Messiah. He laid his EGO aside(EGO stands for Edging God Out) and humbly fulfilled his calling. He acknowledged the One who was greater than he and publicly  said to Jesus, ” I need to be baptized by You” (Matt:3:14)

Healthy leaders remain in touch with their own influence and wield it without reservation. Yet they never allow ego to drive them. They yield to stronger leaders when they appear, because the cause is more important than personal popularity.

Let us keep our EGO in check……let us be a shining light for Jesus and pave the way for His return. In te name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!

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