President Bush Sr. shaves head to encourage little boy stricken with cancer


Former President George H.W. Bush has shaved his head to show solidarity for the sick child of a Secret Service agent. A statement issued by a Bush spokesman Wednesday says the 89-year-old former president acted earlier this week at his summer home in Kennebunkport, Maine. That was after he saw members of his Secret Service detail with newly shaved heads to show support for the 2-year-old son of an agent. The child’s undergoing treatment for leukemia and is losing his hair as a result. The Bush spokesman identified the boy only as Patrick. George and Barbara Bush lost their second child, 4-year-old Robin Bush, to leukemia almost 60 years ago.

Let us pray for little Patrick, for complete healing, in Jesus name, Amen!

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  1. My niece has gone through it twice, thank God He has kept her in remission for ten years. Prayers are with you Patrick. Oh Most Holy Mother heart of love, heart of mercy, ever listening, consoling, hear our Prayer. As your children we ask for your intersession with Jesus your son, recieve with understanding and compassion the petition we place before you today, especially that Jesus will guide the doctors and that He will heal Patrick quickly. We are comforted in knowing that your heart is ever open to those who ask for your prayer. We trust to your gentle care and intersession those whom we love, or who are sick, lonely or hurting. Help all of us Holy Mother in this life until we may share peace and eternal life with God forever. Amen

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