Home of Prophet Elisha may have been found


“We found an ink inscription written in red ink on pottery… we reconstructed the name as Elisha.”

(Tel Rehov, Israel)—He had been Elijah’s protégé, and as Elijah was taken up from the earth in the chariot of fire, Elisha received that for which he’d asked the prophet; a double portion of the anointing and Spirit that worked in him. (Video: CBN)

The prophet Elisha’s story is a very intriguing one, full of wonders and miracles which God performed through His servant.

Now, archaeologists claim that a city recently uncovered may just contain the home of Elisha the prophet.

Ami Mazar, an archaeologist who has been on a dig in the Jordan Valley, at Tel Rehov, explained to CBN News about the city they’d discovered, and the “unique building” that may have been home to one of the Bible’s greatest prophets.

CBN Photo“The house was full of objects of unique types… two pottery altars that were used for burning incense,” the archaeologist said. (Photo: CBN)

“We found an ink inscription written in red ink on pottery… it is broken unfortunately, but we reconstructed the name as Elisha.”

“You know I cannot say for sure this particular Elisha that we found is the Biblical Elisha,” explained Mazar. “You know it’s very difficult to say, but it is very tempting because it is exactly the period when Elisha acted—the second half of the 9th century BC.”

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