Farmer Brown



From Jim McComas…

A couple from Canada was touring the United States. On their way home, they thought they would stop in Creston, Ohio and look up an old friend named Ken Brown who they used to trade cattle with years ago.

They arrived at Ken Brown’s farm in Creston early on a Sunday morning – No one was home. Close by they saw a Church, and they could tell it was almost service time as folks were gathering in. Thinking they may find The Browns at the Church, they drove on over – they were just going to step inside and look around for the Browns before service started.

They didn’t find the Browns, but they found friendly people at the door who greeted them. In fact, every step or two that they took inside the Church, someone was saying “hello” and shaking their hand. They were so impressed, they decided to go ahead and stay for Church services! These Canadian folks had no idea what they were in for!
The Church’s Southern Gospel Quartet sang. The Pastor Preached. This Canadian Couple were not Church folks, and they had no idea that singing or preaching in this style existed! They were blessed and their hearts were moved.

All the way home, all the couple could talk about was what they experienced in that Church service. The Spirit of the Service, the passion in the songs and the preaching, the friendliness of the people – Those folks clearly had something they didn’t.
They talked about the service for weeks, until finally the wife said to her husband, “I’m sure there is a Baptist Church around here that we could find to attend.”

They found one a few blocks away.
They attended the following Sunday.
They gave their hearts to the Lord!

The Pastor of that Church in Creston, Ohio, had no idea who the people were who had visited or what an impression his Church had left on this Canadian couple, until he got an email of thanks a few months later that stated “You may not know this, but you are primarily responsible for our coming to the Lord Jesus Christ.”

That couples name was Murray and Emily Gibbons. They are still serving the Lord in Wilsonville, Ontario Canada.

I know this story is true, because I am the Pastor of Canaan Free Will Baptist Church in Creston, Ohio who was preaching that morning. The group that was singing that day was The Representatives Quartet.

I will never forget the day Murray and Emily Gibbons came to Creston, Ohio looking for “Farmer Brown” – BUT found THE LORD instead!






I just received this from a friend and thought you might enjoy it.    Darlene Quiring. We just love it when you all submit stories to us! Thank you Darlene for sending this awesome story! God Bless you!