Thompson Ridge Fire In New Mexico Doubles in size, Tres Lagunas Fire appraoches 9,000 acres


ThompsonThe Thompson Ridge Fire works its way down a slope at the western edge of the Valles Caldera National Preserve, photographed just before 7 pm Tuesday June 4, 2013.  (Pat Vasquez-Cunningham/Journal)

The Thompson Ridge Fire works its way down a slope at the western edge of the Valles Caldera National Preserve, photographed just before 7 pm Tuesday June 4, 2013. (Pat Vasquez-Cunningham/Journal)


Smoke from the the Thompson Ridge fire rises above the Jemez Mountains on Tuesday June 4, 2013.

5:55 p.m. Smoke from the the Thompson Ridge fire rises above the Jemez Mountains on Tuesday June 4, 2013.




Smoke from the the Thompson Ridge fire rises above the Jemez Mountains on Tuesday June 4, 2013.

2:03 p.m. Smoke from the the Thompson Ridge fire rises above the Jemez Mountains on Tuesday June 4, 2013.

Photos from Albuquerque Journal

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8:21pm: From FGGAM News: Tres Lagunas fire is now approaching 9,000 acres and just 7 percent containment.


4:08 p.m. — The Thompson Ridge Fire has prompted the closure of Fenton Lake State Park and the Valle Grande staging area.


The fire is expected to stay active today due to high temperatures and winds, with westerly gusts near 30 mph. The fire is about half a mile west of a dozen or so vacant  lodges in Valles Caldera.


As a result, crews have established a sprinkler system aimed at slowing and diverting the flames around the lodges. The winds and fire activity have also added to the ominous smoke plume visible from Santa Fe and elsewhere.


That plume is expected to grow throughout the day, according to a US Forestry spokeswoman.


“With these winds, the plumes up here are pretty big today,” spokeswoman Jan Bardwell said. “It’s just being wind driven and weather driven. It really could release a lot.”



The Thompson Ridge fire in the Jemez Mountains doubled in size yesterday, and is now up to 4,450 acres, according to data collected in an overnight reconnaissance flight. The additional 2,221 acres burned included an area on the south flank of the fire on the slopes of Redondo Peak.