God Knows!


todayJesus for today

1 Samuel 2:1-3 ~ And Hannah prayed, and said, My heart rejoiceth in the Lord, mine horn is exalted in the Lord: my mouth is enlarged over mine enemies; because I rejoice in thy salvation.There is none holy as the Lord: for there is none beside thee: neither is there any rock like our God. Talk no more so exceeding proudly; let not arrogancy come out of your mouth: for the Lord is a God of knowledge, and by him actions are weighed.

In the context of this scripture Hannah had just given her son back to the Lord. The child that she prayed for, and as a young mother would have adored the opportunity to raise him and spend that time with him, and yet her promise to the Lord would be kept. She delivered Samuel to the Priest and prayed these words.

She acknowledge Him with Rejoicing

Every prayer we pray should have praise to God for what He has done; acknowledging Him for His provision. How often I get so caught up in what I want that I forget just what He gave. Hannah was grateful for the child she’d been given, but she was most grateful that He was the God of Salvation. Is that not what life hinges on? Our life is so fleeting here, but to understand that the God of Salvation has saved us that we can spend an eternity unseparated from those we love. Oh my goodness! How Hannah understood. Yes, it was likely painful to leave her child in the temple to serve God, but she knew that the God she served would allow her to spend forever with him. I’m ready to shout!

She acknowledged Him as the Rock

There is “no Rock like our God.” Oh my goodness. What words those are. People will let us down, we’ll let ourselves down, but God is there every second of every hour. He knows every heartache, every thought, every fear, every need… our God knows and provides. It was Hannah’s prayer of faith that allowed her to have Samuel. What is it you stand in need of today? Have faith that God will provide!

She acknowledged His Reasoning

Matthew Henry said “Every stream should lead us to the fountain.” What wisdom there is in that! Hannah reminds us that there is nothing within ourselves that we can boast of. We’d have nothing were it not for Him and His goodness, and whatever it is that happens in life He knows why and as Romans 8:28 says “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

When His actions are weighed, they are weighed with perfect measure, just what we need, at just the right hour. When my actions are weighed… I’m found short of it all.

Rejoice in the Rock today, He is so faithful! We all wonder “why” sometimes, but not God. Did it ever occur to you that nothing ever occurred to God? He knows!!!

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Shari Johnson
Shari Johnson. (aka The Jesus Chick) has been encouraging women of faith and youth for a closer walk with Christ for over ten years. Having a burden for the leadership in American Churches, much of her writing is meant to spear on the servant of God to do more for the cause of Christ in these uncertain times. With humor, transparency and solid bible teaching Shari outlines messages that are easily understood, life applicable, and often with easily remembered points to ponder in hopes that they’ll be reflected on throughout the day and serve as encouragement on the go. Her servant’s heart is grounded in her own local church believing that it is there that the greatest impact can be made and unfortunately suffers the greatest neglect across America. Shari speaks at women’s gatherings in hopes of leaving a giggle in their soul and a burning desire to serve in their own local body of believers having it said of her “I laughed, I cried, and I was drawn to the foot of the cross…” Which is what it’s all about. For information on scheduling Shari, call her direct at (304)377-6036, message her via email at talk2shari@gmail.com or find her on Facebook!