Flush the Flesh


shona post

Flush the Flesh


By Shona Neff, a Lover of Jesus Christ and writer from White Rock, NM who I have known for years and has taught me much about loving our Lord and His people.


If it weren’t for faith I’d be in a deep depression over the rocky road our country is bouncing down right now. I had to learn to flush my flesh.




November 7, 2012. The day after a huge election . . . I woke still wondering what happened. I try not to dwell on that dark day, but they keep coming. They just won’t end! It took me a short period of mourning before I remembered that, despite our country being shaken to the core, that the Master of the Universe is unshakable!! It was then that I realized that I HAD to flush the flesh and elevate Faith even on the darkest of days. When I feel that flesh of depression, discouragement, anger, and hate welling up, I take those thoughts captive and let Faith take over. I’ve learned a lot since November 2012:




  • Even though I don’t like this bumpy old road our country is being driven down, there IS a reason to rejoice. Difficult times tend steer people down the path that leads to Jesus. When things get tough sometimes people turn their hope toward heaven. Jesus is the Light that shines on the road people must travel even on bad days. That is a reason to rejoice! If we think spiritually a great harvest lays before us. Salvation is a beautiful thing even if conditions surrounding it are not. God needs workers in this harvest. We are Jesus’ hands and feet no matter what the road looks like. There is no reason for God’s love not flow just because our country is in danger. Christians have lived in harrowing times for millennia, so we shouldn’t think we are immune to trials. We need to rejoice and try to lessen the effects of this bumpy ride on those God puts in our paths. Faith over flesh.




  • The news never stops. Every day I hear or see stories that make me shake my head. Blatant lies from our leaders’ make me wonder where my old friend Truth is hiding. But, then Faith reminds me that Truth hasn’t gone anywhere. He may not be center stage, but He is here. However, Truth isn’t accepted by everyone. My truth is based on God’s Word . . . and it is a universal foundation that everyone can rely on. But, I cannot expect non-Christians to accept these truths if they don’t claim to follow my God. I don’t think God expects them to either, even though I’m sure He’d love it if they did. All I can do is make sure that I, a professing Christian, follow God’s truth. He DOES expect that. Christians need to support those who honor God’s truth, and we need to pray for those who do not. Flesh teases with anger. Flesh whispers to hate those who think differently. But, Faith urges me to show love and patience because Truth will ultimately prevail. Faith over flesh.




  • My flesh demands answers to questions:




“Why can’t people see the hypocrisy?”


“Can’t people see all the lies?”


“How can people support such awful policies?”




Faith gently answers:




“Their eyes are veiled.”


“Deception is easier to accept than Truth.”


“Forgive them, they don’t know any better.”




There is nothing new under the sun, and Christians for thousands of years have asked the same questions. It boils down to the age-old battle between Good and Evil that has been brewing and bubbling over into our world since the Garden of Eden. Faith helps me redirect my energy so I can reflect Jesus to those who hurt instead of waste it on questions that will never go away. Faith over flesh.




  • My flesh wants to give up, but Faith tells me to stand strong even as things crumble around me. God is still in control. None of what grieves me surprises Him. He’s seen it all before. Faith keeps hope alive. People are watching us — some looking for hope, and others hoping to see Christians like me fall to pieces. Faith is a reminder of what God has accomplished through many of His people who stood strong: unlikely heroes (Gideon), miraculous victories (multiple stories throughout the Old Testament and the preservation of underdog Israel in the 20th Century), and a Man named Jesus. I’m standing on the great cloud of witnesses that prevailed in the past. I am powered by the Spirit and standing on God’s truth and promises. I’m not wasting time fretting because Faith assures me things are going to be just fine. Faith over flesh.




So, there you have it. Do I wish the election last November had yielded different results? You can bet your sweet bippy I do! But to be honest, I’m not sure my faith would be where it is today had other candidates prevailed. My faith is deeper, and I wouldn’t change that. I may feel dismay as our country travels a very rocky road, but spiritually I find reasons to rejoice because I flush my flesh daily. The flesh seeks to spread negativity while Faith sees beyond the natural and finds God’s supernatural blessings even in difficult circumstances. Will you join me in flushing the flesh and elevating Faith?



  1. Great post Shona. I am reminded of a sermon I listen to as I travel along by TD Jakes preach on
    Hebrews 12:27
    King James Version (KJV)
    And this word, Yet once more, signifieth the removing of those things that are shaken, as of things that are made, that those things which cannot be shaken may remain.

    Things that are man made can be shaken, but those things of God will remain!!! God will remove those things that can be shaken, and we will glean from what remains… puts a shout in my soul girlfriend!

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