Dewey’s thoughts on this Memorial Day


my hero's


Just some thoughts today on Memorial Day………Watching people post different things on Facebook, makes me wonder about our Country. It is easy to say we are thankful…but are we? For me every day is Memorial Day, I am thankful for our Founding Fathers, all those that fought and gave their lives to establish the greatest Country ever! A Country founded by God. But we sure do not act like it, because we have given into the darkness. My Dad and six of his brothers fought for the freedom of the world in WWII. Wally Moede pictured below was a Sgt. in the US Marines, enlisted at 17. War is hell, proved to me when my friend Roger Carey went off to the Vietnam War and was killed  6 months later in combat. Roger worked for my Dad at the school in our hometown of 4,000 Windom, Minn. He enlisted in the Marines, he had planned to make the Marines his career, a better life for him and his family Roger told me. My Dad and his brothers, Roger Carey and millions like them have tried to make our lives better fighting for what is right, now we live in a time where I don’t always know if those at the head of our Government know the difference between right and wrong. In fact I tend to think they at the present time are in the dark. I will be in constant prayer this Memorial Day, as I am everyday, that the United States of America will get back on the course of God.  Some will read this and think I am nuts and what do I mean? I strongly suggest you read the Bible and US History Books, not modern History books, HISTORY BOOKS.

America is going from one crisis to the next very fast, and I don’t know if we always know the true impact of these tragedies.


It seems to me much of American is always looking for pleasure in whatever we do.  We do not take time to observe and mourn.

Today I encourage you to do so.

Matthew 5:4

“Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.

John 11:35

Jesus wept

I close is asking you to pray for Rick Stambaugh of Albuquerque a Vietnam War Vet who was shot down during the war in a Navy Helicopter. He is having problems with his lungs at is in the hospital. Please pray for healing! AMEN!


My Dad, Wally Moede, My hero! Love you Dad more than ever! He passed onto to Heaven 21 years ago.


Photo: My Dad Wally Moede Sgt US Marines WWII Love him so and his 6 brothers who also served in WWII and my best friend Roger Carey of Windom Minn who was killed in the Vietnam War Roger worked for the school as a Janitor before enlisting in the Marines gave me rides on his little red Honda Roger worked for my Dad at the school they loved each other


  1. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers Pastor. Just got home from the hospital and needed desperately to review my favorite website before going to lay down. Turns out, I suffered another small stoke to add to my previous two and my previous two heart attacks!!! While poking around they found I had another infection in my right lung which is the same one that lay’d me up for about 6 months back in ’06. After going in through the nose and doing some cleaning up in the lung I’m doing better today but many many follow up appointments to come. Love to all and thank you all for your prayers !!!!!! (If I look at ya a little funny for the near time it’s cause the right side of my body seems a little more tired than the left !!! (LOL)
    rick stambaugh

  2. Nice article and I am pleased to see Rick is home. We will keep praying for him and his family.

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