Let us remember the First Responders to West, Texas Explosion



Yesterday a Memorial was held for the victims of the West, Texas explosion. 12 were first responders, let us pray. Let us be thankful each day for our First responders. These Hero’s were answering the call and gave their lives.

Foreign aid comes to West, Texas!

PRAGUE (AP) — The Czech Republic plans to donate 4 million koruna (some $200,000) to help the Texas town of West recover from a devastating fertilizer plant explosion.

The government decided to the provide aid in solidarity because a significant number of people in the town of 2,700 have Czech roots. The blast damaged numerous homes in the town.

The Foreign Ministry says Czech Ambassador to the U.S. Petr Gandalovic visited West last week and talked to Texas Gov. Rick Perry, West Mayor Tommy Muska and other officials about how to help.