I address my psalm to a King. My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer


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Dear family of our =
Lord Jesus Christ,

My heart overflows with a goodly theme: I address my psalm to a Kin=
g. My 
tongue is=
like the pen of a ready writer. AMEN! PRAISE GOD!  That is just how I=
feel writing to you this day!  Psalm 45:1

WOW! We just love having you here at the CUP! 

was about to send the CUP and just saw this email from Sonja. Let =
me first say this,I am so sad to tell you that Laruri has passed away, but =
at the same time celebrate her arrival in heaven. I have never met Lauri an=
d her husband only through my 
friend Sonja do I know the=
m, but I love several things about this couple. The 
nbsp;never to give up on God, to always seek God, the love that these two h=
ave for each other is a testimony to us all….read this and I pray that we=
all will love on each 
 even more and have our&nbsp=
priorities the way God wants them.

Dear Dewey,

am feeling bittersweet emotions as I send the last journal entry from Keit=
h.  Lauri fought hard in her battle with cancer and was a testimony to=
so many with her unwavering faith in God.  It was her time to go and =
I rejoice that she is in heaven.  Rest in peace my dear breast friend.=
ove in Christ,
I’ll See You In Heaven, Lauri

Written 8 hours ago
Lauri passed away this evening and is sitting with God in heaven right=
now as I type this journal update.
Lauri was remarkable right up to the end.  I won’t talk about the=
details, but just know that Lauri’s faith was never wavering.  Just y=
esterday she was humming the tune Our God is an Awesome God.  Today, s=
he lifted her hands up as if telling God to come and get her.
No, she wasn’t afraid of dying.  She loved her family and friends=
very much, but she also loves God too.
She and I talked about our trip to Mexico for treatment.  We real=
ized that Lauri was in a no-lose situation.  Either God would grant he=
r a medical miracle, and we would be walking the beaches of the world again=
, or he would decide to bring her home to heaven.  Either way, she win=
I’m so glad I know where Lauri is.  She’s in heaven.  I’m ha=
ppy for her, and yet feel very empty. 
I’m more concerned for Tyler.  Lauri and I had prayed and prayed =
to God to be blessed with a child, and he gave us Tyler.
Tyler, Mom and I love you so very much.  Just today Mom told me t=
o tell you that she loved you.  Mom and I are so proud of the young ma=
n that you’ve grown up to be!  You’ll always be the peanut butter in o=
ur peanut butter and jelly sandwich!
Yes, I’ve lost my soul-mate.  But one day I will get to hold her =
again when I join her in heaven.
I’ll end this CaringBridge with another of Lauri’s quotes.  Our G=
od is an Awesome God!  He Reigns from heaven above with wisdom po=
wer and love.  Our God is an Awesome God!
And to Lauri—I’ll love you forever, I’ll love you for always!!

Sonja told m=
e yesterday that Keith was thrilled that you all were praying for Lauri. Le=
t us continue to pray for Keith and the family. The love that Keith and Lau=
ri share just comes off that letter! AMEN!!!! I pray more and more marriage=
s have this love in Jesus 

Don’t let th=
is message of Laruri and Keith leave you! 

John Bevere

The love of God knows no limit. If we are to walk with Him, we must =
remove our limits.

You have got to watch this it is AWESOME AWESO=
ME!!! Sharon found it!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks Babe! 

One Minute Ser=
mon . .

This is totally AWESOME… This wom=
an is pretty cool ! Click on link!


Just got word from Dan Bernard his Dad is having problems digesting his=
food. Dan is flying up to Denver this morning. Ron Bernard is fighting can=
cer. Please keep Ron and the family in your prayers.

This week I reported to you that there were over=
7,000 divorces in Bernalillo County in 2012. For year=
s I have known of the good works by Michael and Rebecca Holland&n=
bsp;of the Family Life Line. I met them from my KKIM days. At one=
time they did a radio program. They are reducing the divorce rate in the s=
tate of New Mexico with their Godly counseling. They have come aboard&=
nbsp;as contributors to the FGGAM web site with their postings. They bring =
GOOD news to this horrible problem of divorce! We just don’t state the prob=
lems in our world, we put forth Godly solutions. Click on this link please:=

At FGGAM we =
continue to strive to fulfill the mission that God has given us t=
o give Christians the news they need to know. When you visit the FGGAM web =
site www.fggam.org you will see we are bless=
ed with many writers. Please let us know what you think. Please share the C=
UP with everybody you know, please share the FGGAM web site with everybody =
you know, please forward this CUP today! I don’t think that is asking too m=
uch, is it? 

If you =
believe in what we are doing, we need your financial support as well t=
o keep going. 

By the way t=
here is an AWESOME story right now posted at FGGAM that the Obit’s on Marga=
ret Thatcher are not touching on her devout Christian faith.

Click here:


Margaret Tha=
tcher was one of my hero’s! AMEN Another hero of mine, a story of FAITH and=
COURAGE like Thatcher’s is the Jackie Robinson story click here:


Just thinkin=
g about Thatcher and Robinson GET ME ALL FIRED UP IN OUR LORD AMEN AMEN!!!!=

This Saturday night 6pm and 730pm KAZQ Ch 32 Pastor Steve=
Freeman gives his testimony it is so Awesome!!! It is a life and death tes=
timony Watch Dewey and Friends we love all the folks at KAZQ Dewey and Frie=
nds is a presentation of FGGAM www.fggam.org we are moving=
to 730pm in May!

Got this note from Paul Dokken in South Dakota as the  snow/ice st=
orm hit there hard and in Minnesota

Please pray for South Dakota. Big ice storm. Thousands wit=
hout power in Sioux=20
Falls alone. Thanks Dewey.

Just got this from my sister in law Denise Moede this Dut=
ch Elm is in the front yard of the house I grew up in Windom Minnesota Dad =
planted this tree the year I was born in 1956!!! it special too me Brother =
Dave and Denise still live at the Moede homestead!!! Looks like a big branc=
h was broken in the storm

Aww Dewey, Thank you so much for sharing your story of “To=
meet such a man” it truly made my day. I’m up early this morning, my pain =
woke me, but Dewey, I feel I am healing.
 Thank You Dewey, keep up the good work.  Much L=
ove, sam

We continue to pray healing over you Sam!=

To follow up on a prayer need. After the prayer meeting on Tuesday I saw
an ophthalmologist. I have a hole in the retina of my left eye that will
require surgery. I meet with a specialist next week to continue the
preparation. Apparently the surgery is a bit technical and the
recuperation rather demanding. I would appreciate if the prayer group
would include me in their daily prayers.

By His stripes…


Howard Stansell

We are praying for heali=
ng! Thanks to Pastor Don Kimbro for passing this prayer need along! AMEN!
We have been asked to pass this importa=
nt info along to you:

Christian Fo=
ster Parents make an Eternal Difference.

Over 2,000 c=
hildren and teens are in New Mexico=E2=80=99s foster care system.  Sad=
ly, many of them are placed in shelters and institutional facilities becaus=
e there aren=E2=80=99t enough families willing to open their hearts and the=
ir homes to these children.  Understanding the pressing need for more =
safe and nurturing homes, The Bair Foundation is looking for families in th=
e Albuquerque & Las Cruces area who genuinely care about the well-being=
and plight of these children. For information about how you can help, call=
Stephanie Browne or Patricia Lovato at 505-888-1362

This is from Pastor Don Kimbro!

For many years of =
my ministry life, I have quoted the works and words of A.W. Tozer, esp=
ecially on my radio program over the past five years. He remains one of my =
spiritual heroes. This article helps explain why and perhaps will interest =
you in reading his books. The two books that are referenced are consid=
ered to be Christian classics. God bless. 

Who Is A. W, Tozer?

April 12=
, 2013
. Do not ever get the spirit of this w=
orld confused with the Holy Spirit. The former will destroy you, your famil=
y and whatever else you hold dear. It is from the devil, pure and simple. W=
hat you want is the Spirit which is from God. God has willed to His childre=
n all the bounties Heaven has stored. His will is a living will and thus is=
ready for activation as the Spirit brings to light His intentions toward t=
he intended beneficiary. You are the beneficiary. The transfer is ready. As=

1 Corinthians 2:12 “Now we have received, not the spirit of =
the world, but the Spirit who is from God, so that we may know the things f=
reely given to us by God.” Ras Robinson

For God’s Glory Alone in=
the Love of our Lord Jesus Christ, Dewey Sharon and Family

us today! 


If you would like to support the muc=
h needed
 work of For God’s Glory Alone Ministr=
 Dewey Moede, and De=
wey’s Daily Cup please consider giving a 
financial gift.  You can securely give&nbsp=
by clicking on this link- http://www.fggam.org/donate.html=
 then scroll down the page to securely give =
. B=
e assured my friends,&nbs=
p;your gift will be of the grea=
test help
 in furthering the min=
work the Lord has laid upon us=
to carry 
out in His Holy Name.=

Thank you,

Dewey Moede

If you have friends or family you think =
would like to share a daily cup of inspirational coffee with Dewey please f=
orward this email and encourage them to join Dewey’s Daily Cup. All they ha=
ve to do is send an email saying “Sign me up!” to radiodewey@aol.co=

If you do not wish to be on this email list please =
kindly inform Dewey by sending him an email titled REMOVE at 
 – we will take you off this email list asa=

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