Santa Fe City Council to meet on same sex marriage

Marriage Under Attack Locally
The city council will be meeting Wednesday to discuss asking county clerks to do something illegal – issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples.  It is important for us to have a presence at the city council meeting with a measured response. Please forward this to all your friends for marriage in the Santa Fe area. We will have a reporter on the ground to bring you the details.
Please join us:
City Council Meeting
March 27th at 5:00pm
200 Lincoln Ave. 1st Floor
Santa Fe, NM 87504



Background:  After solidly defeating the redefinition of marriage at the legislature, Mayor of Santa Fe David Coss has started a rogue attack on what has always been considered law in the state.

From his press release: “Mayor David Coss and Councilor Patti Bushee announced today that they are sponsoring a Resolution expressing support for gay marriage in New Mexico and encouraging County Clerks to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. The Resolution will be introduced at the next City Council meeting, scheduled for Wednesday, March 27.”
You may have seen thousands standing for marriage at the Supreme Court today – let’s do our part here in Santa Fe tomorrow!
Traditional Values Advocacy Committee
P.O. Box 1366
Flora Vista, New Mexico 87415

Santa Fe City Council