A Good Friday Devotional for you


On this Good Friday I wanted to share with you a Devotional from Monica Miller-Ruhl. Her writings inspire me in my personal relationship with Jesus Christ. I will also mention that Monica is the wife of Pastor Bill Ruhl Vice Chairman of FGGAM.

Today as I conclude my journey with Brad Scott’s book: THE SHADOW OF HEAVENLY THINGS Revealing the Body of Messiah In the Tabernacle, I would like to share Brad’s closing conversation with you as we observe the Feast of Passover followed by my thoughts. Baruch Atah Adonai! ~monica

tabernacleplanYHWH (GOD)has shown us the way of salvation and His order by means of the tabernacle. The way of salvation is pictured by seven pieces of furniture all placed in a specific order as one approaches the presence of YHWH. There are two items in the court, a shadow of the physical body. These are the brazen altar – the place of “whole” sacrifice [body, soul, spirit]; the laver – the washing of the water of the word to cleanses your walk [daily]. Then we enter the Holy Place and see three details. The Holy Place symbolizes our “minds” and so contains two pictures of Torah which “renews our minds”, and is the precursor for “physical and behavioral” transformation. The menorah – the light of the world; and the table of showbread – the life sustaining bread of life. The last detail before entering the Most Holy Place is the golden altar – the picture of prayer. The final destination contains the ark of the testimony and the mercy seat. The ark, containing the life-giving word of YHWH, is protected and watched over by His enduring mercy. Is this not the process that we go through in order to be delivered from death? It is our court, or our body, that first received the words of life. The gospel must be preached and we must have an ear to hear. Then our minds assimilate the material and we make a decision either to trust what we have heard or reject what we have heard. When our ears have heard and our minds have responded, we ask or pray and YHWH always answers with a resounding “I will.” YHWH then places His testimony and mercy in our hearts, or our spirit, and it becomes renewed and sanctified. Now the process of “growth” takes place in the way YHWH originally designed the tabernacle, from the inside out. The way of salvation is from the outside in. The way of “growth” and “maturity” is from the inside out. If we have the testimony of YHWH within us, then our minds take their instruction from the word of YHWH and not the world or any other source. If we have not His word in us, then our minds must take their instruction from somewhere else. Once the mind has been renewed and transformed then our bodies must obey. If I have “made up my mind” to go swimming, my body cannot argue about it. If you truly believe, then you will truly do. If you are not doing, then you are not truly believing.

Yeshua (Jesus) or Messiah was our example, as He led the way from the ark of the testimony to the eastern gate. Yeshua was faithful and true witness in crossHitgalut (Revelation) 3:14. He restored the true witness of the ark of the covenant to His people. His BLOOD was placed upon the horns of the altar of incense, and His ashes scattered upon the altar to be a sweet, acceptable fragrance unto YHWH on our behalf (Ephesians 5:2, 2 Corinthians 2:15). He taught us how to pray at the altar in Mattiyahu (Matthew) 6:9-13. He was and is our menorah as He proclaimed in Yochanan (John) 8:12 that He was the light of the world. Then He said to you and me in Mattityahu 5:14, “Ye are the light of the world.” He is the Word of YHWH, the Living Torah, and our sustenance in this world, as He is the Bread of Life (John 6:32-33). He became the laver when He washed the disciples feet in John 13:1-10. Then came His final act of His walk from the ark to the altar. He finishes by offering Himself wholly on a tree of judgment.

The tabernacle is a wonderful picture of the Messiah (Jesus) and ourselves (the Church). When we begin to see ourselves, then we can, in turn, begin to appreciate the tabernacle. It is a symbiotic relationship. ~Brad Scott


May the insights that Brad carefully shares be helpful in deepening our understanding of so great Gift, Jesus, Messiah, the Passover Lamb; gloriously, victoriously, Resurrected! May our hearts find true, lasting Rest in Him; understanding that our responsibility as a Believer is to follow and obey the Son as His disciples, captured and exemplified in this reality of believing “His words of eternal life”. We too can do no less!

As times grow more challenging there are great things ahead for us—walking in His Kingdom! He will never leave us or forsake us. Stay His course. His Plan, authored by Him, succeeds! We are victorious in Christ Jesus who is both Savior and Lord of all. His government will prevail! If God be for us, who can be against us? All power and authority is in YHWH! He IS God, our ever present Truth. Blessed be His name forever!
Monica Miller-Ruhl, Global Destiny Ministry