“People without hope won’t take action. If you want to help someone give


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Dear Family of our Lor=
d Jesus Christ,

Thank you fo=
r stopping by this day………

“It is either all o=
f the Word of God or none of the Word of God. To slice it up is to compromi=
se its authority.” AW Tozer

February 19, 2013.&n=
bsp;You are a good person, like a healthy fruit tree that produces good fru=
it. All your goodness has been programmed within you by your Maker. God has=
His hand on you for a reason. He loves you and is proud of you. But inside=
your head there are sometimes condemning voices that tear you down with ac=
cusations and doubts. He tells you that your fruit is bad and sometimes rot=
ten. You know the devil is a liar and deceiver. He creates schemes to rob y=
ou of the good that is within you. Don’t let him belittle you. If you do, t=
he devil has succeeded in causing you to fail. You are a good person. The S=
criptures give the example of Barnabas. Bear good fruit.
Acts 11:24 (NLT) “Barnabas was a g=
ood man, full of the Holy Spirit and strong in faith. And many people were =
brought to the Lord.” Ras Robinson

I thank Ras for his Godly wisd=
om everyday! 

How are you this day?

We have some friends&nbsp=
;in need of our healing prayers, Bobby and Rissy

The Doctors have told Bobby (Pastor Kevin=E2=80=99=
s Dad, Kevin is Pastor at the Lighthouse Church in Chimayo) that in order f=
or him to survive the infection in his knee they must amputate his leg. &nb=
sp;The surgery is planned for today. 

Thank you Jeanell. Sharon and I have met Bobby on =
our trips to the Lighthouse, he has always greeted us with the love of Jesu=

Let us pray =
for healing………….

Kathy Garcia’s granddaughter Rissy undergo=
es knee surgery today. Rissy was eyeing  college Basketball before thi=

Surgery day is today for Rissy.=
Thank you all for your prayers. I am believing that when they open her kne=
e that they will find less damage than first seen on the MRI. That was 2 te=
ars on the meniscus, 1 tear that will need stitching and one that will have=
to be scoped out (whatever that means). Then the ACL was completely ripped=
out. They take cartilage from the front of the knee and drill hol
es on the top and bottom knee bones to a=
ttach it to build a new ACL, yikes. Anyway I said all that to give glory to=
God when all that doesn’t have to happen. 2 1/2 hours blocked for surgery =
so it will be a long day with it not scheduled until 1255. Thank you once a=
gain for your prayers and believing for safe surgery and she goes home with=
out any ill affects from any drugs given.

We are praying for healing! AMEN! I have met Rissy, s=
he is a sweet young lady! 

Healing for Bobby and Rissy.

If I am not doing the work assigned me by our Lord Je=
sus Christ, my life is worth nothing. Yesterday when I got done doing our r=
adio program on KDAZ, Dan Rosencranz said, “Well done my Brother, someone h=
as to do this.” 

I thank Dan and all of you for your&=
encouragement  It is all for God’s Glory =
Alone. Pastor Paul Holt is a gift from God. My brother Paul pours much into=
FGGAM everyday! Paul is with me every Monday on our radio program “This is=
the world we live in” on KDAZ AM730, you can listen worldwide at www.am730.cc you can listen on Sky Angel and also on y=
our tune in app on your phone! Many ways to listen to us at Noon on Mondays=
. We also will be uploading the programs on the FGGAM web site www.fggam.org The intent of this program is to bring for=
th the news we need to know in our walk with our Lord Jesus Christ. We cove=
r stories that the secular media will not touch. Like the story b=
elow that Pastor Jim Montoya told us about, FGGAM reported on it =


Or the story we had on the Unites States Justice Dept=
. saying HOME SCHOOLING is not a RIGHT!!!!!! 

www.fggam.org ;

We are updating our news posts constantly for you.

We need your=
support as we purchase air time and we need to make purchases to enhance o=
ur web site, office space, we pray for a full time worker to help us. =

We are getti=
ng many people now coming to us for counseling. We do not charge for counse=
ling. We meet with people and see what we can do for them and we often time=
s will refer them to someone else if the Lord shows us to.

The main thi=
ng people are looking for is love, and that someone cares, that someone wil=
l not judge them. The love of our Lord Jesus Christ is what we show.

We are finding, like yesterday, a lady was=
referred to us because she is to shamed to talk to=
her own Pastor about her problems. You see my friends, God placed us here =
at FGGAM to help people like this Dear lady. The word is spreadin=
g as to what the Lord is doing here at FGGAM. Helping folks. 

My prayer is that more will see what the L=
ord is doing and support our efforts for God’s people. 

I ask you my Dear friend, will you help&nb=
sp;support the effort’s of FGGAM?, please do not move to quickly from =
this post, please pray for us.

So many people are in need, I am celebrati=
ng the GREATNESS OF OUR GOD for bringing people to us for help! I=
am celebrating the GREATNESS OF OUR GOD for having people refer peopl=
e to FGGAM! That is why we are here, that is conformation we are doing=
the work assigned us by our Lord! AMEN! 

One other note on yesterdays program, Denn=
is Kintigh former State Rep. of Roswell had an editorial in the Albuqu=
erque Journal yesterday. He stated crime stats from 2011, the most rec=
ent available,  showing New Mexico with the second highest murder=
rate in the nation! Violent crime in New Mexico is fourth in the nation. I=
have stated for years what Albuquerque Police officers tell me, we are liv=
ing in a violent city and state. We prayed for the state&nbs=
p;of New Mexico and the leaders of this state yesterday.  We pray for =
all people. You see one of the reasons the Lord had us start FGGAM is to he=
lp people stay away from a life of crime, to show them the love of our Lord=
Jesus Christ. We are working with people who have been forgotten by the “s=

“People without hop=
e won’t take action. If you want to help someone give them hope.” Tom Zigla=

Amen to that!!!!&nb=

For God’s Glory Alone in t=
he Love of our Lord Jesus Christ, Dewey Sharon and family

us today! 


If you would like to support the muc=
h needed
 work of For God’s Glory Alone Ministr=
 Dewey Moede, and De=
wey’s Daily Cup please consider giving a 
financial gift.  You can securely give&nbsp=
by clicking on this link- http://www.fggam.org/donate.html=
 then scroll down the page to securely give =
. B=
e assured my friends, your gift&nbs=
p;will be of the greatest help in furthering the ministry work the Lord has laid upon us to carry =
out in His Holy Name. 

Thank you,

Dewey Moede

If you have friends or family you think =
would like to share a daily cup of inspirational coffee with Dewey please f=
orward this email and encourage them to join Dewey’s Daily Cup. All they ha=
ve to do is send an email saying “Sign me up!” to radiodewey@aol.co=

If you do not wish to be on this email list please =
kindly inform Dewey by sending him an email titled REMOVE at 
 – we will take you off this email list asa=

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