New Mexico Marriage Update

Alert – Marriage Update
House Memorial 30, introduced by Bill McCamley (D-Dona Ana), would request that the New Mexico congressional delegation support gays and lesbians to sponsor their partner for citizenship.
Great news! House Joint Resolution 3, introduced by Rep. Brian Egolf (D-Santa Fe), which would have put a measure on the next ballot about allowing homosexual marriage has been tabled – which means the bill was killed.
Action Items:
1. Call your Representative and ask them to oppose House Memorial 30, which .  This takes literally 1 minute to do – call 505.986.4300 and ask to speak to your representative’s office (it’s listed as “State Representative District” on your voter registration card). Write the phone number (505.986.4300) on the back of your card for future reference.
2. Please call and email these legislators to thank them for tabling HJR3.  The top two Representatives are Democrats who broke rank and went against their party platform to stand for marriage – please especially thank them!
Rep. Mary Helen Garcia
Rep. Debbie A. Rodella
Rep. Thomas Anderson
Rep. Paul Bandy
Rep. Bill Rehm
Rep. James Smith
Rep. Monica Youngblood
Traditional Values Advocacy Committee
P.O. Box 1366
Flora Vista, New Mexico 87415