Let the brilliance of the treasure of Christ shine through you as you live


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ar Family of our Lord Jesus 

Thank you for stopping by for a CUP! God Bless you and yours fore=
ver and ever!

“You only get one shot at life=
, so be faithful.” – Pastor 
Darrin Brown

We cannot continue to fully acquire Christlike virtue=
s until we first make integrity the granite foundation of our lives. In som=
e cases this may require us to go through the painful process of ripping ou=
t an existing foundation (There is some of you reading this right=
now that you know you need to go through this ripping out process) this&nb=
sp;existing foundation has been built upon deceit and replac=
ing it stone by stone with a foundation of integrity in our Lord Jesus Chri=
st! AMEN! 

That is a Powerful message that the Lord h=
as given to me to share with all! 

I remember years ago calling a friend and =
sharing with him about Godly ethics, and it hurt to do that, but then a yea=
r or so later he called me and thanked me for having the boldness to call h=
im and share with him, it helped turn his life around where now he is beari=
ng much fruit for our Lord! AMEN! God gives us the words and ways to share =
with people to help them turn their lives around. God’s words and ways, not=
ours! When I use my words, it does not work out well. 

Let us read this…………….

We owe all to Jesus crucified. What is your life, my b=
rethren, but the cross? Whence comes the bread of your soul but from the cr=
oss? What is your joy but the cross? What is your delight, what is your hea=
ven, but the Blessed One, once crucified for you, who ever liveth to make i=
ntercession for you? Cling to the cross, then, Put both arms around it=
! Hold to the Crucified, and never let Him go. Come afresh to the cross at =
this moment, and rest there now and for ever! Then, with the power of God r=
esting upon you, go forth and preach the cross! Tell out the story of the b=
leeding Lamb. Repeat the wondrous tale, and nothing else. Never mind how yo=
u do it, only proclaim that Jesus died for sinner.

The cro=
ss held up by a babe=E2=80=99s hands is just as powerful as if a giant held=
it up. The power lies in the word itself, or rather in the Holy Spirit who=
works by it and with it. O glorious Christ, when I have had a vision of Th=
y cross, I have seen it at first like a common gibbet, and Thou wast hangin=
g on it like a felon; but, as I have looked, I have seen it begin to rise, =
and tower aloft till it has reached the highest heaven, and by its mighty p=
ower has lifted up myriads to the throne of God. I have seen its arms exten=
d and expand until they have embraced all the earth. I have seen the foot o=
f it go down deep as our helpless miseries are; and what a vision I have ha=
d of Thy magnificence, O Thou crucified One! Brethren, believe in the power=
of the cross for the conversion of those around you. Do not say of any man=
that he cannot be saved. The blood of Jesus is omnipotent. Do not say of a=
ny district that it is too sunken, or of any class of men that they are too=
far gone: the word of the cross reclaims the lost. Believe it to be the po=
wer of God, and you shall find it so.

Believe in Christ crucified, and preach boldly in His name, and yo=
u shall see great and gladsome things. Do not doubt the ultimate triumph of=
Christianity. Do not let a mistrust flit across your soul. The cross must =
conquer; it must blossom with a crown, a crown commensurate with the person=
of the Crucified, and the bitterness of His agony. His reward shall parall=
el His sorrows. Trust in God, and lift you
r banner high, and now with psalms and songs advance to=
battle, for the Lord of hosts is with us, the Son of the Highest leads our=
van. Onward, with blast of silver trumpet and shout of those that seize th=
e spoil. Let no man=E2=80=99s heart fail him! Christ hath died! Atonement i=
s complete! God is satisfied! Peace is proclaimed! Heaven glitters with pro=
ofs of mercy already bestowed upon ten thousand times ten thousand! Hell is=
trembling, heaven adoring, earth waiting. Advance, ye saints, to certain v=
ictory! You shall overcome through the blood of the Lamb.

(Taken =
from: Pictures from Pilgrim’s Progess by C.H. Spurgeon) 

When we do things for Christ, it=
=E2=80=99s not about us but about His glory. The less obvious we are, the m=
ore brilliant He becomes. Which is why, Paul says, the treasure has been pu=
t in jars of clay so that God would be the one to be glorified. Besides, si=
nce when are jars of clay significant? It=E2=80=99s what=E2=80=99s inside t=
hat counts! =E2=80=94Joe Stowell
Help us not to cloud God=E2=80=99s=

Nor with self His light to dim;

May each thought to Christ be captive,

Emptied to be filled with Him. =E2=80=94Anon.

Let the brilliance of the treasure of Christ s=
hine through you as you live for Him.

Another video from Sharon this morning..God’s creation…………=

The Arctic Light

This morning I am in prayer on many things…..=
.Bobby’s surgery for the amputation of his leg went well.
we continue to pray for healing physically and=
mentally…….Praying over the marriages that need healing……….This =
drug Meth, is a drug of death………death of marriages,families, and of L=

I am praying over the taping of two programs th=
is morning one with Dr. Steve Hopkins who has been our Vet for years, he ha=
s a tremendous testimony, a great story how he became a Vet! Also=
Jerry Chavez in program two, Jerry shares his testimony and about this yea=
rs Kingdom Awards. 

Praying for Birga of KDAZ and her husband Bob w=
ho are off to Israel!!! 

I pray that the words that we shared yesterday =
on God’s authority soak into many……….

God’s throne is established on His authority. G=
od’s authority represents God Himself.

God’s authority is absolute, we must give Him&n=
bsp;absolute submission.

The person who fears God has nothing to hide. I=
n fact, we are scared to be away from God!

God spoke: “Let us make human beings in our own=
image, make them 

reflecting our nature

So they can be responsible for the fish in the =

the birds in the air, the cattle,=

And yes, Earth itself,

and every animal that moves on the face of the =

God created human beings;

he created them godlike,

Reflecting God’s nature.

He created them male and female.

God blessed them:

“Prosper! Reproduce! Fill Earth! Take charge! G=
enesis 1: 26-28

We need to take charge here on earth =
for God!

We were made to reflect God’s nature! 

We need to absorb God’s authority for our lives=
and use it for His Glory!

We need to represent God here on eart=

Nothing is more important! 

It’s all about God, not us! =

What is God telling you to do with your life?&n=

As we close today let us pray over the next New=
Mexico prayer summit…………This is going to be held at my Dear friend=
Pastor Mark Tross’s church in Grants………

Dear Brothers and Sisters in=

The next New Mexico Prayer Summit is just a=
round the corner! It will be this Saturday in Grants on February 23. We are=
expecting a diverse group of praying people from around the state, includi=
ng a significant group of our Navajo and Pueblo brothers and sisters in Chr=
ist, which will make for really special time together in the presence of th=
e Lord. We will pray for our state, for native issues and for one another.

Here is the venue. Please see the attached =
detailed directions.
Victory Church of God, 222 E Monroe Ave.=
, Grants 87020 
8:30 a.m. (check-in)
Schedule: 9:00 a.m. to 2 p.m., Saturday,=
February 23
Lunch and coffee breaks will be provided fo=
r all and a freewill offering will enable you to contribute to the cost if =
you would like to do so. 
Please RSVP to Cheryl Sharps <=
cheryl.sharps@gmail.com>, phone 505-400-7437 so we know how man=
y to expect.
Pastor Mark Tross’ phone is 505-417-4332 fo=
r other questions you may have.
Please pray for this summit, which we intend to follow up with sum=
mits in other parts of the state so that intercessors can connect, build re=
lationships for the future and pray for the transformation of New Mexico. H=
ere are some key prayer concerns we hope you will join us in bringing to th=
e Lord:

For all those God i=
s calling to come together for the Feb. 23 summit and for those who will be=
facilitating and sharing on different issues.For His leading and anointing of the summit so =
we will be in touch with and pray out His heart for our state at this time-=
forgiveness, reconciliation, healing, restoration and the expulsion of spi=
ritual darkness.Fo=
r the building of lasting relationships between the participants and betwee=
n those of different ethnic backgrounds and denominations so that we may be=
come one as the Lord prayed in John 17:21.For the New Mexico prayer movement to be become a s=
trong, well-connected force for the healing and transformation of this stat=

Thanks for your prayers and hope to see you=
on the 23rd!
John Robb
on behalf of the New Mexico Summit Planning=
(Ron Sebesta, Jose and Miki Vasquez, =
Mary Tang, Jerry Chavez, Kitty Neal, Mark Tross, John Woods, Cheryl Sharps,=
Jack Webb, Tanya and Alec Griego, Lori Robb, Doug Brown, and Gayle Martine=

Directions to the New Mexico Prayer Summ=
From the East (Albuquerque, Santa Fe, etc.)=
on I-40 West:
1 Take exit 85&nbsp=
;toward I-40 BUS/NM-547/Grants/Mt Taylor

0.2 mi

2 Keep right at the fork and me=
rge onto State Hwy 117

1.0 mi

3 Continue onto E Santa=
Fe Ave

1.6 mi

4 Turn right onto 1st S=

0.5 mi

5 Turn right onto Monro=
e Ave
Destination will be on the left

0.1 mi

222 Monroe Ave
Grants, NM 87020
From the West (Gallup, Th=
oreau, Arizona, etc.) on I-40 East:

1 Take exit 81B&nbs=
p;toward I-40/Grants

0.3 mi

2 Merge onto NM-122 W/N=
M-53 E

0.3 mi

3 Turn right onto W San=
ta Fe Ave

1.4 mi

4 Turn left onto 1st St=

0.5 mi

5 Turn right onto Monro=
e Ave
Destination will be on the left

0.1 mi

222 Monroe Ave
Grants, NM 87020

For God’s Glory Alone in the Love of our Lord J=
esus Christ, Dewey Sharon and Family

us today! 


If you would like to support the muc=
h needed
 work of For God’s Glory Alone Ministr=
 Dewey Moede, and De=
wey’s Daily Cup please consider giving a 
financial gift.  You can securely give&nbsp=
by clicking on this link- http://www.fggam.org/donate.html=
 then scroll down the page to securely give =
. Be assured my =
 your gift will be of the greatest help in furthering the ministry work the Lord has laid upon us to carry out in His Holy Name. 

Thank you,

Dewey Moede

If you have friends or family you think =
would like to share a daily cup of inspirational coffee with Dewey please f=
orward this email and encourage them to join Dewey’s Daily Cup. All they ha=
ve to do is send an email saying “Sign me up!” to radiodewey@aol.co=

If you do not wish to be on this email list please =
kindly inform Dewey by sending him an email titled REMOVE at 
 – we will take you off this email list asa=

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