God Blessed them: “Prosper! Reproduce! Fill Earth! Take charge!” Gen 1:


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Dear Family&nbs=
p;of our Lord Jesus Christ,


Let me share this with you today from&nbs=
nbsp;and 3 miracles!

Here is the entry=
I mentioned from my Truth Journal…I think that it came from a Girlf=
riends in God devotional.  Today’s Cup made me think of this.  I =
hope you like it.
Malachi 3:3 – “He shal=
l sit as a refiner and purifier of silver.”   The woman asked the=
silversmith if it was true that he had to sit in front of the fire the who=
le time the silver was being refined. “‘Oh yes!” he replied.  “I =
cannot take my eyes off the silver.  If it is left in the furnace too =
long, it will be destroyed.”  The woman asked “how do you know when th=
e silver is fully refined?” .” The silversmith smiled and answered, “O=
h that’s easy the refining process is complete when I can see my image refl=
ected in the silver.”
1 Peter 4:12-13 – Do n=
ot be surprised at the painful things you are now suffering.  These th=
ings are testing your faith.”
Psalm 105:4 – “Look to=
the Lord and his strength, seek His Face always.”
Jeremiah 30:17 – “I wi=
ll restore health to you and heal you of your wounds, says the Lord.”
 When you don’t u=
nderstand God’s process, you can trust God’s heart.  Breathe in the tr=
uth that God loves us and that He is good! 
With gratitude and lov=
e for you,

nja contacted Karen 
Rowe last week to pray with her, Sonja was healed of her breast cancer=
as is Karen Rowe……….

UPDATE: No chemo! Praise God!!! & No Ra=
diation! Praise God!!! God has done some amazing things and since Thanksgiv=
ing, He has worked so much good through teaching me patience and trust on a=
new and higher level! 

God could have easily said to me, “you are going to go through these=
other things, but I will be with you through it all…” You know, I am no =
better loved than those who are going 
through these things=E2=80=A6It is all according to the purpose=
in our life that God has set; and I was prepared! 

BUT, according to my purpose, surgery was complete and I heard God say TWIC=
E to me, “you will need NO chemo.” Yesterday, the Medical Oncologist confir=
med what God had already said!

Praise be to God in the highest! My Jesus is my friend always and forever!!=
! Thank you for all your prayers and love!!! Prayer is the essence of faith=
and the beginning of things unseen!


I love this about th=
e CUP, people coming together to pray and encourage each other in our Lord.=

Now here is another =


Randy Thom was releas=
ed early from his Jail work release program. Randy has been very upfront ab=
out making a bad decision many years ago. I love this man’s hones=
ty and love of our Lord. He was able to start a Bible study in jail.By work=
ing in the service program he was able to reduce his time by 30 days! He st=
arted his service in southeast Minnesota by burning cedar trees to restore =
the bluffs to oak forests. Randy says that being outside and seeing the bea=
utiful blue skies he knew God was with him and was answering his prayers fo=
r early release. AMEN PRAISE GOD! 

This comes to mind as=
to where Randy has arrived………..

We cannot continue to=
fully acquire other Christlike virtues until we first make integ=
rity the granite foundation of our lives, and Randy has done that. In some =
cases this may require us to go through the painful process of ripping out =
an existing foundation built upon deceit and replacing =
it stone by stone with a foundation in the integrity of our Lord.=

My challenge&nbs=
p;to all of us, is the Christianity you show and put forth to the world, my=
prayer is you do the same in your own home.

Let us remember this.=
…Integrity makes decisions based on eternal implications.

We also want to pass =
along our love to Pastor Paul Holt and his lovely bride Jo, on their weddin=
g anniversary as we do Steve and Sandy Harrington! God Bless you all! =

So with today’s&=
nbsp;CUP, my prayer is that you will share with the World that God is still=
in the miracle making business! 

I return to radio on =
Monday at Noon on KDAZ AM 730 with “This is the World we live in” Pastor Pa=
ul Holt will be with me Monday. You can also listen on line to KDAZ and it’=
s also on Sky Angel! 

This Saturday at 6pm =
on KAZQ CH 32 at 6pm It’s Dewey and Friends! My guests this week are M=
arcus of the Lawn Rangers and my missionary friend Lance. We talk about tak=
ing charge for God on everything from our environment to abortion=
. Our scripture for this program is………

God spoke: “Let us ma=
ke human beings in our image, make them reflecting our nature
So they can be respon=
sible for the fish in the sea,
the birds in the air,=
the cattle,
And, yes, Earth itsel=
and every animal that=
moves on the face of the Earth.” (take care of our environment)
God created human bei=
ngs; (Stand in the gap against abortion)
he created them godli=
Reflecting God’s natu=
re. (not ours)
he created them male =
and female. (stand in the gap for the sanctity of marriage)
God Blessed them:
“Prosper! Reproduce! =
Fill Earth! Take charge!”  Gen 1:26-28 MSG

You see, God is calli=
ng us to TAKE CHARGE! We talk about it all on the TV program! 

By the way please vis=
it our newly revamped web site! www.fggam.org Please pass the word about our site as the Lord h=
as commanded us to have a site where people can go to be encouraged and get=
the news they need to know! 

For God’s Glo=
ry Alone in the Love of our Lord Jesus Christ, Dewey Sharon and family


If you would like to support the muc=
h needed
 work of For God’s Glory Alone Ministr=
 Dewey Moede, and De=
wey’s Daily Cup please consider giving a 
financial gift.  You can securely give&nbsp=
by clicking on this link- http://www.fggam.org/donate.html then scroll down the page=
to securely give through Pay=
. Be assured my friends, your gift will be of=
the greatest help
 in furthering the ministry work the Lord has laid upon us to carry out in His H=
oly Name. 

Thank you,

Dewey Moede

If you have friends or family you think =
would like to share a daily cup of inspirational coffee with Dewey please f=
orward this email and encourage them to join Dewey’s Daily Cup. All they ha=
ve to do is send an email saying “Sign me up!” to radiodewey@aol.com.

If you do not wish to be on this email list please =
kindly inform Dewey by sending him an email titled REMOVE at 
radiodewey@aol.com – we will take you off this email l=
ist asap

 before TV Ministry, thank God=
for Radio and TV Ministry, thank YOU LORD! 






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