Fighting for Life Stem Cell Hearing on 02/14/13



The New Mexico Senate Consumer and Public Affairs Committee will hear Senate Bill 313 in Room 321 tomorrow afternoon, Thursday, February 14. If passed this bill will make legal the “harvesting” of human life (embryos) for the sake of research.

A profound respect for life was one of the most visible characteristics of early adherents of the Christian faith that came to influence entire the world. The pagan world noticed and Christianity spread when Christians stayed in Rome to care for those struck by the plague. Pagans also noted when Christians saved discarded babies. Today’s counterpart is the concern for the unborn and for embryos slated for destruction; life at its most basic.
After many years of trying, embryonic stem cell research has not resulted in any successful treatments for disease. Even so, Senator Bill O’Neill (D-Albuquerque) has proposed Senate Bill 313, the “BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH ACT,” which permits research on embryonic stem cells.
Please pray and join us in standing for life and against SB 313.
Jose Vasquez
Please note: The Committee will convene in Room 321 at 2 p.m. or a half hour after the Senate floor session ends. Several bills precede the hearing of SB 313. An exact time of the hearing cannot be anticipated. Join us early to be sure you will be seated.
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.”                                                      Matthew 19:14


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