Dividing America’s Families





                 Hearing today, Tuesday, February 19


Uniting American families sounds like a humanitarian effort until it’s seen in the light of advancing the homosexual agenda and accessing a safe avenue for human trafficking.


To be heard today, Tuesday, February 19, 2013, in the House Consumer and Public Affairs Committee will be HM 30 UNITING AMERICAN FAMILIES ACT Bill McCamley (D-Las Cruses).


Rep. McCamley is proposing urging members of Congress to allow “gays” and lesbians (but not heterosexuals) to sponsor their foreign partners in comprehensive immigration reform. This Memorial does not require proof of a permanent relationship, and thus not only gives preference to homosexuals but also is open to considerable exploitation by human traffickers.


The House Consumer and Public Affairs Committee is scheduled to meet in Room 315 at 1:30 p.m. or a half hour after the floor session ends. Supporters of same-sex marriage usually attend in large numbers so your presence is encouraged. Seats are usually filled prior to the meeting so please come early.

Please keep us in prayer and help this effort by contacting member of the House Consumer and Public Affairs Committee and letting them know you oppose House Memorial 30.  The members are as follows:


House Consumer and Public Affair Committee


Rep. Eliseo Lee Alcon, Chair (D) Milan


Rep. Patricia Roybal Calballero
Vice Chair (D) Albuquerque


Rep. Gail Chasey (D) Albuquerque


Rep. Jason Harper (R) Rio Rancho


Rep. Tomas Anderson (R) Albuquerque


Yours in Christ, 

Jose Vasquez



Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land.                                                                                                      2 Chronicles 7:14