WHY CASINOS MATTER from Council on Casinos



The Institute for American Values (IAV) and the Council on Casinos have published a report on “Thirty-One Evidence-Based Propositions from the Health and Social Sciences.”

This is the most comprehensive report on gambling in America since the National Gambling Impact Study Commission (NGISC) report came out of Congress in 1999.  The Council on Casinos is a group of 33 nationally known academics and public health advocates who have collaborated on this report and put their signatures on it, describing in great detail the damage being done by the government/casino complex to individuals, families, communities and the government.

After the NGISC report came out, the American Gaming Association, realizing what a public relations catastrophe had befallen them, created and funded  the National Council on Responsible Gaming (NCRG), laundering money to fund research groups that they could count on to hide the damage that the gambling was doing.  State politicians used the rosy reports from the NCRG to give them intellectual cover so they could expand gambling in their states.

“Why Casinos Matter” will go a long way to blasting away the intellectual cover that the casinos got from the NCRG.  The report is big news because it is so comprehensive and authoritative, and it is the collaboration of highly respected men and women of science and academics.

News media around the country, including the Christian Science Monitor, CNN, the Washington Post, the Boston Globe and many others, have reported on and echoed the findings of the report.  The report can be accessed here

Also read this post on Violent Crime in New Mexico: https://fggam.org/violent-crime-in-new-mexico/


Why Casinos Matter Front Page.

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