Texas Governor Perry Fires back, calls Special session over Anti- Abortion Bill



This is what I’m talking about! You gotta love Texas Gov. Rick Perry!!! What a man of God! He’s got Godly guts! Standing in the gap for God on the sanctity of life!  Perry is my kind of leader! He disappointing many, including myself in his run for President, but sure does an excellent job as Governor of Texas. After a one-woman filibuster and a raucous crowd helped derail a GOP-led effort to restrict Texas abortions, Gov. Rick Perry announced Wednesday that he’s calling lawmakers back next week to try again.


Perry ordered the Legislature to meet July 1 to begin 30 more days of work. Like the first special session, which ended in chaos overnight, the second one will include on its agenda a Republican-backed plan that critics say would close nearly every abortion clinic across the state and impose other widespread limits on the procedure.


“I am calling the Legislature back into session because too much important work remains undone for the people of Texas,” Perry said in a statement. “Texans value life and want to protect women and the unborn.”


The first session’s debate over abortion restrictions led to the most chaotic day in the Texas Legislature in modern history, starting with a marathon filibuster and ending with a down-to-the wire, frenetic vote marked by questions about whether Republicans tried to break chamber rules and jam the measure through.


A second filibuster is harder to pull off though, since supporters of the bill will ensure it clear preliminary hurdles and reaches floor votes in the House and Senate well before the second session expires.



  1. Great news, need to keep them in prayer. If only we could pass the same in our state.

    God bless you,


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