Teen Dies at Foam Wonderland at Expo New Mexico


Let us pray over this situationfoam wonderland, where 14 year old Hannah Bruch of Santa Fe, NM  died this past Saturday. 3,000 people gathered at Expo New Mexico (New Mexico State Fairgrounds) in Albuquerque for the event.

According to the Albuquerque Journal, Hannah became ill shortly after the concert began and was taken to UNM Hospital and within hours she was dead. New Mexico State Police are handling this investigation since it took place on state property. Governor Martinez has directed that the State Police to give the investigation top priority.

Many questions need to be answered. I have some! Why did an event like this take place on tax payer property? An event like this invites the darkness, we ask for trouble when things like this are held. Was it supervised properly?

Hannah’s Dad, Larry Bruch told the Santa Fe New Mexican that his daughter “did not die from natural causes. Peer pressure and drugs killed Hannah.” Were drugs present on site at this concert held on state property? Let us pray over this and also pray that no more events like this of the darkness are held on tax payer property!

I pray these events will not be held at all. Our youth are vulnerable to such things. Let us pray for Hannah’s family. Here is the link to this Foam Wonderland Facebook page. We must be Watchman on the Wall for God’s Children.  https://www.facebook.com/events/480798788671868/

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