Russian Website Continues To Spy on Americans In their Homes, Bedrooms, Businesses and More


webcamThis is very disturbing! On November 12th we posted a story by KOB TV in Albuquerque of a Russian website spying on homes and businesses in Albuquerque and around America. This story is burning up our website. Here is an update: A baby is seen sleeping in a crib in Orange, California. A woman is watched as
she sits at her kitchen table reading the newspaper in Burlington, New Jersey.
They’re all scenes from the 4,591 webcams in the United States that are being
broadcast on a Russian website.

Here is the KOB TV story posted on Nov. 12th:

KOB TV Report: Russian Based Website Hosts Thousands of Live, Unsecure Security and Webcams, Some in New Mexico

Also read this:

Foreign Gangs and Target Data Breach, America is Tired


Your Webcam May Be Spying on You, But You Can Stop it

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