The Revived Threat Of Communism To The United States

Bill Wilson
The Daily Jot 
Daily reporting and analysis of current events from a biblical and prophetic perspective.

NOTE: When writing about God and Jesus, The Daily Jot means YHVH as God and Yeshua Ha Mashiach as Jesus–the actual original names and the true nature and character of them. 
   Friday, April 18, 2014 


The revived threat of communism to the US



In the 1950s and ’60s Americans understood the threat of communism. The mere association with it was considered treasonous. But the news media and Hollywood rewrote the narritive on communism –that it wasn’t dangerous, that people who thought it was were right wing radicals, paranoid, essentially pay no attention to the man behind the (iron) curtain. But communism in the 20th Century was responsible for over 100  million deaths. Recent events are revealing and demonstrating that many of those who are in charge of the US government are communistic in their viewpoints and in their administration of the government. Communism is a serious threat to America.


Long before his first election, the occupant of the Oval Office’s association with known communists was questioned–from the mysterious Frank Marshall Davis of his childhood to Weatherman terrorist Bill Ayers to the community organization strategies of  Saul Alinsky to the concept of rebuilding America, the “president’s” leanings were communistic. Moreover, since taking office, his executive actions, policies and messaging have also reflected a strong communistic leaning. Even his press secretary enshrines communist propaganda as artwork in his home. Americans need to understand that we have in the highest level of government something foreign to and the antithesis of everything that once was “American.”


Not supporting traditional marriage, supporting abortion, supporting homosexuality, opening the borders, the welfare state, property confiscation, militarization of agencies, spying on citizens, demonizing opposing political viewpoints, nationalized health care, the war on Christianity–are all extremely public evidences of the communist influence over America’s leadership. The Communist Manifesto calls for the abolishing of morals, religion, property ownership to be replaced with statism–a political system in which the government has centralized control over social and economic affairs. How long, for example, can 86 million workers sustain 148 million who don’t work? This is how communism controls the masses.


In 1963 Florida Congressman Albert Herlong, Jr., entered into the Congressional Record an excerpt from “The Naked Communist” summarizing 45 goals of the communists for America. Among them were; Gain control of the press; gain control of the schools; gain control of entertainment; transfer powers of arrest from police to social agencies; total disarmament as a moral strength; eliminate obscenity laws; promote promiscuity and homosexuality as normal; replace “revealed” religion with “social” religion; enforce separation of church and state; discredit the American Constitution; discredit the Founding Fathers. As you can see, the current leadership has embraced this. Communism is an imminent threat to America. The antidote: Acts 5:29, “We ought to obey God rather than men.”


Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson
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