Late CUP with Dewey, Buffy and Reno!


Buffy and Reno windowDear Family of our Lord Jesus Christ,

If all images do not show for you please go to FGGAM.ORG

I am sorry this is late, but the Lord told me to take a time out and run some errands and smell the roses! Did not get to bed until 4am. So the FGGAM Ministry team, myself, Buffy and Reno took some time to live in the moment!God showed me much in out time out!

But first this important message from Barbara Gould……..a site change………..

Hello Dewey:

Please report that the EMI Camp Meeting has changed it’s venue due to lack of city permits and resources in general. However, we will plan for another outdoor camp meeting later.

Our new venue will be at 2105 Golf Course Rd., Suite B, Rio Rancho. This certainly does not allow for the audience we had in our hearts at the time, but we invite all who are sick, hurting, discouraged to come and be healed. Come and bring someone who needs Jesus with you.

Service times are: 6:30pm — Thursday, 9/18 – Saturday 9/20

We are believing for the presence of God to be mighty in our midst and for Jesus to confirm His Word with signs, wonders and miracles.

“And we know that ALL things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose.”

All who had agreed to participate at the tent are still invited to do so. Please let me know as soon as possible.

Forever His Co-laborer,

Barbara Gould

God Bless you Pastor Barbara and Pastor Sonia!

Folks, we have to hand it to Emmanuel Ministries for stepping up to the plate and sticking their necks out to bring the Glory of God to the Land! Amen! I pray that more Pastor’s will have the boldness of Barbara and Sonia! Please keep this effort in your prayers.

Getting back to our little outing today………..I am always perked up by meeting everyday people, people not trying to position themselves with me, people that are just trying to live a Godly life. Today I ran into 2 couples and I held the door for them and they about passed out! One man called me young and I said, “I don’t know about that I was born before the internet was invented!” LOL! LOL! And his wife perked up and said to me, “I am older than you, I was born before women could vote!” LOL! LOL! I also offered to help a man get his mother or mother-in-law into her wheelchair. he appreciated it but said he could handle it. I went into the establishment they were going into and they just could not stop thanking me for making the offer. They said it is nice to know their are still nice people around! Well, I certainly met some nice people! Real people.  I will tell you this it does me so much good to get out among people and also to preach, so I know what the people are thinking. It gives me hope in our Lord every time I go out among people! I have to tell you this is one of the major problems in our Country is that the politicians don’t take time to meet real people, people that are not giving to their campaign, or want something from them. Politicians hold ‘staged events’ That is why I would never make a good Politician, I don’t hold ‘staged events’. LOL! LOL!OH MY! How I wish Will Rogers was alive today to give us his perspective in this world we live in!!! LOL! LOL! Now how many of your remember Will Rogers!! LOL!  I love meeting strangers and having a good talk. You get the scoop that way! People with no other motive than wanting to have a Godly conversation!

Whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock. Matthew 7:24

I was sharing with Wanell Pate this morning that God showed me, HEY! you were born before the internet… know the difference between night and day. You know my light, my goodness, you know what this world once was, you know what America once was! That is what God showed me this morning. Social media has changed our world for good and bad. Over the years we have changed the meaning of words. People change the meaning of God’s Word. Example, Intimacy. I tell people that I love them, I treasure them, showing them the intimacy of our Lord. The world has changed intimacy into a dirty word.

By the way when you were a kid, did you ever tell someone that they didn’t know the difference between night and day? LOL! Bifg expression back home in the 50’s and 60’s.

The Lord showed me again why he has put me where I am at……to bring forth his truth to the world.

A careless word may kindle strife,

A cruel word may wreck a life;

A timely word may lessen stress,

A loving word may heal and bless!

Let’s spread the word of God all over the world, Let us not be afraid to hold each other accountable in our Lord. Too many people are not being accountable to God.

I am going to leave you with this story from the Baptist New Mexican, one of my favorite newspapers!

A country preacher decided to skip Sunday services to go bear hunting. As he rounded the trail, he and a bear collided, sending the preacher tumbling down the mountainside. His rifle flew one way and he flew the other, breaking both legs when he landed. Unfortunately, the bear was charging straight at him.

“Oh, Lord,” the preacher prayed. “forgive me for skipping church today. Please grant me one wish—-make a Christian out of that bear.”

That very instant, the bear skidded to a halt, fell to its knees, and began to pray, “Dear Lord, bless this food I am about to receive.”


As I close today we thank all those that financially support this ministry! We love you all!

Please visit FGGAM.ORG for all the news and inspiration you need to know!

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Thank you for coming by for a CUP!

For God’s Glory Alone in the love of our Lord Jesus Christ, Dewey, Sharon, Family and FGGAM Team

Let us keep praying for each other and our families

And all of God’s People said, AMEN!



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