Islamic State Linked Video Calls For Syria-Like Jihad In Gaza


Al Qaida gunmen (Illustrative)A video from a previously unknown jihadi media outlet called Al-Fawaris surfaced on Wednesday. The video, analyzed by the MEMRI (Middle East Media Research Institute) Jihad and Terrorism Threat Monitor, includes a tirade by jihadi cleric Abu hareth Al-Maqdisi threatening Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi for failing to support Hamas in its war against Israel. “Oh our brothers in Gaza, know that you are fighting an enemy following Satan’s path, whereas you are fighting in the way of [Allah] the merciful,” Maqdisi said. “True, we are fighting in Syria, but our heart yearns to arrive and fight the sons and brothers of the apes and pigs [the Jews] He added that Gazans must be patient and wait for either victory or martyrdom, adding that Allah will soon send “extraordinary soldiers who will fight and defeat the Jews.” Read More

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